* @file This file handles the rendering and updating of the status bar in IITC.
* @module status_bar
window.renderUpdateStatusTimer_ = undefined;
* Renders the status bar. This function updates the status bar with information about the current
* zoom level (portal levels and link lengths), map data loading progress, and any pending requests or failed requests.
* It schedules the update to the next event loop to improve performance and ensure smoother rendering.
* @function renderUpdateStatus
window.renderUpdateStatus = function() {
var progress = 1;
var tileParams = window.getDataZoomTileParameters();
var t = '<span class="help portallevel" title="Indicates portal levels/link lengths displayed. Zoom in to display more.">';
if (tileParams.hasPortals) {
// zoom level includes portals (and also all links/fields)
t += '<span id="loadlevel">portals</span>';
} else {
if(!window.isSmartphone()) // space is valuable
t += '<b>links</b>: ';
if (tileParams.minLinkLength > 0)
t += '<span id="loadlevel">>'+(tileParams.minLinkLength>1000?tileParams.minLinkLength/1000+'km':tileParams.minLinkLength+'m')+'</span>';
t += '<span id="loadlevel">all links</span>';
t +='</span>';
// map status display
t += ' <span class="map"><b>map</b>: ';
if (window.mapDataRequest) {
var status = window.mapDataRequest.getStatus();
// status.short - short description of status
// status.long - longer description, for tooltip (optional)
// status.progress - fractional progress (from 0 to 1; -1 for indeterminate) of current state (optional)
if (status.long)
t += '<span class="help" title="'+status.long+'">'+status.short+'</span>';
t += '<span>'+status.short+'</span>';
if (status.progress !== undefined) {
if(status.progress !== -1)
t += ' '+Math.floor(status.progress*100)+'%';
progress = status.progress;
} else {
// no mapDataRequest object - no status known
t += '...unknown...';
t += '</span>';
//request status
if (window.activeRequests.length > 0)
t += ' ' + window.activeRequests.length + ' requests';
if (window.failedRequestCount > 0)
t += ' <span style="color:#f66">' + window.failedRequestCount + ' failed</span>'
//it's possible that updating the status bar excessively causes some performance issues. so rather than doing it
//immediately, delay it to the next javascript event loop, cancelling any pending update
// will also cause any browser-related rendering to occur first, before the status actually updates
if (window.renderUpdateStatusTimer_) clearTimeout(window.renderUpdateStatusTimer_);
window.renderUpdateStatusTimer_ = setTimeout ( function() {
window.renderUpdateStatusTimer_ = undefined;
//$('#updatestatus').click(function() { startRefreshTimeout(10); });
//. <a style="cursor: pointer" onclick="startRefreshTimeout(10)" title="Refresh">⟳</a>';
if(progress == 1 && window.activeRequests.length > 0) {
// we don't know the exact progress, but we have requests (e.g. chat) running, so show it as indeterminate.
progress = -1;
if (window.isApp && app.setProgress) {
}, 0);