 * @file This file provides functions and utilities specifically for the smartphone layout of IITC.
 * @module smartphone

 * Determines if the user's device is a smartphone.
 * Note it should not detect tablets because their display is large enough to use the desktop version.
 * The stock intel site allows forcing mobile/full sites with a vp=m or vp=f parameter. This function supports the same.
 * @function isSmartphone
 * @returns {boolean} True if the user's device is a smartphone, false otherwise.
window.isSmartphone = function() {
  // this check is also used in main.js. Note it should not detect
  // tablets because their display is large enough to use the desktop
  // version.

  // The stock intel site allows forcing mobile/full sites with a vp=m or vp=f
  // parameter - let's support the same. (stock only allows this for some
  // browsers - e.g. android phone/tablet. let's allow it for all, but
  // no promises it'll work right)
  var viewParam = getURLParam('vp');
  if (viewParam == 'm') return true;
  if (viewParam == 'f') return false;

  return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.*Mobile/)
  || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i);

 * Placeholder for smartphone specific manipulations.
 * This function does not implement any logic by itself.
 * @function smartphone
window.smartphone = function() {};

 * Performs initial setup tasks for IITC on smartphones before the IITC boot process.
 * This includes adding smartphone-specific stylesheets
 * and modifying some of the setup functions for mobile compatibility.
 * @function runOnSmartphonesBeforeBoot
window.runOnSmartphonesBeforeBoot = function() {
  if(!isSmartphone()) return;
  log.warn('running smartphone pre boot stuff');

  // add smartphone stylesheet
  var style = document.createElement('style');
  style.type = 'text/css';

  // don’t need many of those
  window.setupStyles = function() {
    $('head').append('<style>' +
      [ '#largepreview.enl img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_ENL]+'; } ',
        '#largepreview.res img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_RES]+'; } ',
        '#largepreview.none img { border:2px solid '+COLORS[TEAM_NONE]+'; } '].join("\n")
      + '</style>');

  window.smartphone.mapButton = $('<a>map</a>').click(function() {
    $('#map').css({'visibility': 'visible', 'opacity': '1'});
    $('#chatcontrols a .active').removeClass('active');
    $("#chatcontrols a:contains('map')").addClass('active');

  window.smartphone.sideButton = $('<a>info</a>').click(function() {
    $("#chatcontrols a:contains('info')").addClass('active');


  window.addHook('portalDetailsUpdated', function(data) {
    var x = $('.imgpreview img').removeClass('hide');

    if(!x.length) {

    if($('.fullimg').length) {
    } else {

 * Updates the mobile information bar with portal details when a portal is selected.
 * This function is hooked to the 'portalSelected' event and is specific to the smartphone layout.
 * @function smartphoneInfo
 * @param {Object} data - The data object containing details about the selected portal.
window.smartphoneInfo = function(data) {
  var guid = data.selectedPortalGuid;
  if(!window.portals[guid]) return;

  var data = window.portals[selectedPortal].options.data;
  if(typeof data.title === 'undefined') return;

  var details = window.portalDetail.get(guid);

  var lvl = data.level;
  if(data.team === "N" || data.team === "NEUTRAL")
    var t = '<span class="portallevel">L0</span>';
    var t = '<span class="portallevel" style="background: '+COLORS_LVL[lvl]+';">L' + lvl + '</span>';

  var percentage = data.health;
  if(details) {
    var totalEnergy = getTotalPortalEnergy(details);
    if(getTotalPortalEnergy(details) > 0) {
      percentage = Math.floor(getCurrentPortalEnergy(details) / totalEnergy * 100);
  t += ' ' + percentage + '% ';
  t += data.title;

  if(details) {
    var l,v,max,perc;
    var eastAnticlockwiseToNorthClockwise = [2,1,0,7,6,5,4,3];

    for(var ind=0;ind<8;ind++)
      if (details.resonators.length == 8) {
        var slot = eastAnticlockwiseToNorthClockwise[ind];
        var reso = details.resonators[slot];
      } else {
        var slot = null;
        var reso = ind < details.resonators.length ? details.resonators[ind] : null;

      var className = TEAM_TO_CSS[getTeam(details)];
      if(slot !== null && OCTANTS[slot] === 'N')
        className += ' north'
      if(reso) {
        l = parseInt(reso.level);
        v = parseInt(reso.energy);
        max = RESO_NRG[l];
        perc = v/max*100;
      } else {
        l = 0;
        v = 0;
        max = 0;
        perc = 0;

      t += '<div class="resonator '+className+'" style="border-top-color: '+COLORS_LVL[l]+';left: '+(100*ind/8.0)+'%;">';
      t += '<div class="filllevel" style="width:'+perc+'%;"></div>';
      t += '</div>'


 * Performs setup tasks for IITC on smartphones after the IITC boot process.
 * This includes initializing mobile info display, adjusting UI elements for mobile compatibility,
 * and setting event handlers for mobile-specific interactions.
 * @function runOnSmartphonesAfterBoot
window.runOnSmartphonesAfterBoot = function() {
  if(!isSmartphone()) return;
  log.warn('running smartphone post boot stuff');


  // add a div/hook for updating mobile info
  $('#updatestatus').prepend('<div id="mobileinfo" onclick="show(\'info\')"></div>');
  window.addHook('portalSelected', window.smartphoneInfo);
  // init msg of status bar. hint for the user that a tap leads to the info screen
  $('#mobileinfo').html('<div style="text-align: center"><b>tap here for info screen</b></div>');

  // replace img full view handler
    .off('click', '.imgpreview')
    .on('click', '.imgpreview', function(e) {
      if (e.currentTarget === e.target) { // do not fire on #level
        var newTop = $('.fullimg').position().top + $("#sidebar").scrollTop();
        $("#sidebar").animate({ scrollTop: newTop }, 200);

  // make buttons in action bar flexible
  var l = $('#chatcontrols a:visible');
  l.css('width', 100/l.length + '%');