/* global L -- eslint */

 * Provides functionality for the search system within the application.
 * You can implement your own result provider by listening to the search hook:
 * ```window.addHook('search', function(query) {});```.
 * The `query` object has the following members:
 * - `term`: The term for which the user has searched.
 * - `confirmed`: A boolean indicating if the user has pressed enter after searching.
 *   You should not search online or do heavy processing unless the user has confirmed the search term.
 * - `addResult(result)`: A method to add a result to the query.
 * The `result` object can have the following members (`title` is required, as well as one of `position` and `bounds`):
 * - `title`: The label for this result. Will be interpreted as HTML, so make sure to escape properly.
 * - `description`: Secondary information for this result. Will be interpreted as HTML, so make sure to escape properly.
 * - `position`: A L.LatLng object describing the position of this result.
 * - `bounds`: A L.LatLngBounds object describing the bounds of this result.
 * - `layer`: An ILayer to be added to the map when the user selects this search result.
 *   Will be generated if not set. Set to `null` to prevent the result from being added to the map.
 * - `icon`: A URL to an icon to display in the result list. Should be 12x12 pixels.
 * - `onSelected(result, event)`: A handler to be called when the result is selected.
 *   May return `true` to prevent the map from being repositioned. You may reposition the map yourself or do other work.
 * - `onRemove(result)`: A handler to be called when the result is removed from the map
 *   (because another result has been selected or the search was cancelled by the user).
 *  @namespace window.search
window.search = {
  lastSearch: null,

 * Represents a search query.
 * @memberof window.search
 * @class
 * @name window.search.Query
 * @param {string} term - The search term.
 * @param {boolean} confirmed - Indicates if the search is confirmed (e.g., by pressing Enter).
window.search.Query = function(term, confirmed) {
  this.term = term;
  this.confirmed = confirmed;

 * Initializes the search query, setting up the DOM elements and triggering the 'search' hook.
 * @function
window.search.Query.prototype.init = function() {
  this.results = [];

  this.container = $('<div>').addClass('searchquery');

  this.header = $('<h3>')
      ? this.term
      : ((this.term.length > 16
        ? this.term.substr(0,8) + '…' + this.term.substr(this.term.length-8,8)
        : this.term)
        + ' (Return to load more)'))

  this.list = $('<ul>')
    .append($('<li>').text(this.confirmed ? 'No local results, searching online...' : 'No local results.'));

    collapsible: true,
    heightStyle: 'content',

  runHooks('search', this);

 * Displays the search query results in the search wrapper.
 * @function
window.search.Query.prototype.show = function() {

 * Hides the search query results and cleans up.
 * @function
window.search.Query.prototype.hide = function() {

 * Adds a search result to this query.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} result - The search result object to add.
window.search.Query.prototype.addResult = function(result) {
  if(this.results.length == 0) {
    // remove 'No results'

  var item = $('<li>')
    .attr('tabindex', '0')
    .on('click dblclick', function(ev) {
      this.onResultSelected(result, ev);
    .on('mouseover', function(ev) {
      this.onResultHoverStart(result, ev);
    .on('mouseout', function(ev) {
      this.onResultHoverEnd(result, ev);
    .keypress(function(ev) {
      if((ev.keyCode || ev.charCode || ev.which) == 32) {
        ev.type = 'click';
      if((ev.keyCode || ev.charCode || ev.which) == 13) {
        ev.type = 'dblclick';

  var link = $('<a>')

  if(result.icon) {
    link.css('background-image', 'url("'+result.icon+'")');
    item.css('list-style', 'none');

  if(result.description) {

 * Creates and returns a layer for the given search result, which could be markers or shapes on the map.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} result - The search result object.
 * @returns {L.Layer} The layer created for this result.
window.search.Query.prototype.resultLayer = function(result) {
  if(result.layer !== null && !result.layer) {
    result.layer = L.layerGroup();

    if(result.position) {
      L.marker(result.position, {
        icon: L.divIcon.coloredSvg('red'),
        title: result.title

    if(result.bounds) {
      L.rectangle(result.bounds, {
        title: result.title,
        interactive: false,
        color: 'red',
        fill: false,
return result.layer;


 * Handles the selection of a search result, including map view adjustments and layer management.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} result - The selected search result object.
 * @param {Event} ev - The event associated with the selection.
window.search.Query.prototype.onResultSelected = function(result, ev) {
  this.selectedResult = result;

  if(result.onSelected) {
    if(result.onSelected(result, ev)) return;

  if(ev.type == 'dblclick') {
    if(result.position) {
      map.setView(result.position, DEFAULT_ZOOM);
    } else if(result.bounds) {
      map.fitBounds(result.bounds, {maxZoom: DEFAULT_ZOOM});
  } else { // ev.type != 'dblclick'
    if(result.bounds) {
      map.fitBounds(result.bounds, {maxZoom: DEFAULT_ZOOM});
    } else if(result.position) {

  result.layer = this.resultLayer(result);


  if(window.isSmartphone()) window.show('map');

 * Removes the currently selected search result from the map and performs cleanup.
 * @function
window.search.Query.prototype.removeSelectedResult = function() {
  if(this.selectedResult) {
    if(this.selectedResult.layer) map.removeLayer(this.selectedResult.layer);
    if(this.selectedResult.onRemove) this.selectedResult.onRemove(this.selectedResult);

 * Handles the start of a hover over a search result. Adds the layer for the result to the map if not already selected.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} result - The search result object being hovered over.
 * @param {Event} ev - The event associated with the hover start.
window.search.Query.prototype.onResultHoverStart = function(result, ev) {
  this.hoverResult = result;

  if(result === this.selectedResult) return;

  result.layer = this.resultLayer(result);

  if(result.layer) map.addLayer(result.layer);

 * Removes the hover result layer from the map unless it's the selected result.
 * @function
window.search.Query.prototype.removeHoverResult = function() {
  if(this.hoverResult !== this.selectedResult) {
    if(this.hoverResult) {
      if(this.hoverResult.layer) { map.removeLayer(this.hoverResult.layer); }
  this.hoverResult = null;

 * Handles the end of a hover over a search result. Removes the hover result layer from the map.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} result - The search result object being hovered over.
 * @param {Event} ev - The event associated with the hover end.
window.search.Query.prototype.onResultHoverEnd = function(result, ev) {

 * Initiates a search with the specified term and confirmation status.
 * @function window.search.doSearch
 * @param {string} term - The search term.
 * @param {boolean} confirmed - Indicates if the search term is confirmed.
window.search.doSearch = function(term, confirmed) {
  term = term.trim();

  // minimum 3 characters for automatic search
  if(term.length < 3 && !confirmed) return;

  // don't clear last confirmed search
  && window.search.lastSearch.confirmed
  && !confirmed)

  // don't make the same query again
  && window.search.lastSearch.confirmed == confirmed
  && window.search.lastSearch.term == term)

  if(window.search.lastSearch) window.search.lastSearch.hide();
  window.search.lastSearch = null;

  // clear results
  if(term == '') return;

  if(useAppPanes()) show('info');


  window.search.lastSearch = new window.search.Query(term, confirmed);

 * Sets up the search input field and button functionality.
 * @function window.search.setup
window.search.setup = function() {
    .keypress(function(e) {
      if((e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) != 13) return;

      var term = $(this).val();

      window.search.doSearch(term, true);
    .on('keyup keypress change paste', function(e) {
      window.search.timer = setTimeout(function() {
        var term = $(this).val();
        window.search.doSearch(term, false);
      }.bind(this), 500);
    map.locate({setView : true, maxZoom: 13});

 * Adds a search result for a portal to the search query results.
 * @function window.search.addSearchResult
 * @param {Object} query - The search query object to which the result will be added.
 * @param {Object} data - The data for the search result. This includes information such as title, team, level, health, etc.
 * @param {string} guid - GUID if the portal.
window.search.addSearchResult = function (query, data, guid) {
  var team = window.teamStringToId(data.team);
  var color = team === window.TEAM_NONE ? '#CCC' : window.COLORS[team];
  var latLng = L.latLng(data.latE6 / 1e6, data.lngE6 / 1e6);
    title: data.title,
    description: window.TEAM_SHORTNAMES[team] + ', L' + data.level + ', ' + data.health + '%, ' + data.resCount + ' Resonators',
    position: latLng,
    icon: 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa('@include_string:images/icon-portal.svg@'.replace(/%COLOR%/g, color)),
    onSelected: function (result, event) {
      if (event.type === 'dblclick') {
        window.zoomToAndShowPortal(guid, latLng);
      } else if (window.portals[guid]) {
        if (!window.map.getBounds().contains(result.position)) {
      } else {
      return true; // prevent default behavior

// search for portals
window.addHook('search', function (query) {
  var term = query.term.toLowerCase();

  $.each(portals, function(guid, portal) {
    var data = portal.options.data;
    if(!data.title) return;

    if(data.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(term) !== -1) {
      window.search.addSearchResult(query, data, guid);

// search for locations
// TODO: recognize 50°31'03.8"N 7°59'05.3"E and similar formats
window.addHook('search', function (query) {
  var locations = query.term.replaceAll(/%2C/gi, ',').match(/[+-]?\d+\.\d+, ?[+-]?\d+\.\d+/g);
  var added = {};
  if(!locations) return;
  locations.forEach(function(location) {
    var pair = location.split(',').map(function (s) {
      return parseFloat(s.trim()).toFixed(6);
    var ll = pair.join(",");
    var latlng = L.latLng(pair.map(function(s) { return parseFloat(s); }));
    if(added[ll]) return;
    added[ll] = true;

      title: ll,
      description: 'geo coordinates',
      position: latlng,
      onSelected: function(result, event) {
        for(var guid in window.portals) {
          var p = window.portals[guid].getLatLng();
          if((p.lat.toFixed(6)+","+p.lng.toFixed(6)) == ll) {

        urlPortalLL = [result.position.lat, result.position.lng];

// search on OpenStreetMap
window.addHook('search', function (query) {
  if(!query.confirmed) return;

  // Viewbox search orders results so they're closer to the viewbox
  var mapBounds = map.getBounds();
  var viewbox = '&viewbox=' + mapBounds.getSouthWest().lng + ',' + mapBounds.getSouthWest().lat + ',' + mapBounds.getNorthEast().lng + ',' + mapBounds.getNorthEast().lat;

  var resultCount = 0;
  var resultMap = {};
  function onQueryResult(isViewboxResult, data) {
    resultCount += data.length;
    if(isViewboxResult) {
      // Search for things outside the viewbox
      $.getJSON(NOMINATIM + encodeURIComponent(query.term) + viewbox, onQueryResult.bind(null, false));
      if(resultCount === 0) { return; }
    } else {
      if(resultCount === 0) {
          title: 'No results on OpenStreetMap',
          icon: '//www.openstreetmap.org/favicon.ico',
          onSelected: function() {return true;},

    data.forEach(function(item) {
      if(resultMap[item.place_id]) { return; } // duplicate
      resultMap[item.place_id] = true;

      var result = {
        title: item.display_name,
        description: 'Type: ' + item.type,
        position: L.latLng(parseFloat(item.lat), parseFloat(item.lon)),
        icon: item.icon,

      if(item.geojson) {
        result.layer = L.geoJson(item.geojson, {
          interactive: false,
          color: 'red',
          opacity: 0.7,
          weight: 2,
          fill: false,
          pointToLayer: function(featureData,latLng) {
            return L.marker(latLng, {
              icon: L.divIcon.coloredSvg('red'),
              title: item.display_name

      var b = item.boundingbox;
      if(b) {
        var southWest = new L.LatLng(b[0], b[2]),
            northEast = new L.LatLng(b[1], b[3]);
        result.bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast);


  // Bounded search allows amenity-only searches (e.g. "amenity=toilet") via special phrases
  // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim/Special_Phrases/EN
  var bounded = '&bounded=1';

  $.getJSON(NOMINATIM + encodeURIComponent(query.term) + viewbox + bounded, onQueryResult.bind(null, true));

// search on guid
window.addHook('search', function (query) {
  const guid_re = /[0-9a-f]{32}\.[0-9a-f]{2}/;
  const res = query.term.match(guid_re);
  if (res) {
    const guid = res[0];
    const data = window.portalDetail.get(guid);
    if (data) window.search.addSearchResult(query, data, guid);
    else {
      window.portalDetail.request(guid).then(function (data) {
        window.search.addSearchResult(query, data, guid);