 * @file This file contains functions that handle the extraction and computation of raw data
 * from portal details for various purposes.
 * @module portal_info

 * Calculates the displayed level of a portal, which is always rounded down from the actual float value.
 * @function getPortalLevel
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing resonator information.
 * @returns {number} The calculated portal level.
window.getPortalLevel = function(d) {
  var lvl = 0;
  var hasReso = false;
  $.each(d.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
    if(!reso) return true;
    lvl += parseInt(reso.level);
    hasReso = true;
  return hasReso ? Math.max(1, lvl/8) : 0;

 * Calculates the total energy capacity of a portal based on its resonators.
 * @function getTotalPortalEnergy
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing resonator information.
 * @returns {number} The total energy capacity of the portal.
window.getTotalPortalEnergy = function(d) {
  var nrg = 0;
  $.each(d.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
    if(!reso) return true;
    var level = parseInt(reso.level);
    var max = RESO_NRG[level];
    nrg += max;
  return nrg;

// For backwards compatibility
window.getPortalEnergy = window.getTotalPortalEnergy;

 * Calculates the current energy of a portal based on its resonators.
 * @function getCurrentPortalEnergy
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing resonator information.
 * @returns {number} The current energy of the portal.
window.getCurrentPortalEnergy = function(d) {
  var nrg = 0;
  $.each(d.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
    if(!reso) return true;
    nrg += parseInt(reso.energy);
  return nrg;

 * Calculates the range of a portal for creating links. The range depends on portal level and any installed Link Amps.
 * @function getPortalRange
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing details about the team and resonators.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the base range (`base`), boost multiplier (`boost`),
 *                   total range after applying the boost (`range`),
 *                   and a boolean indicating if the portal is linkable (`isLinkable`).
window.getPortalRange = function(d) {
  // formula by the great gals and guys at
  // http://decodeingress.me/2012/11/18/ingress-portal-levels-and-link-range/
  var range = {
    base: window.teamStringToId(d.team) === window.TEAM_MAC ? window.LINK_RANGE_MAC[d.level + 1] : 160 * Math.pow(window.getPortalLevel(d), 4),
    boost: window.getLinkAmpRangeBoost(d),

  range.range = range.boost * range.base;
  range.isLinkable = d.resCount === 8;

  return range;

 * Calculates the boost in link range provided by installed Link Amps.
 * @function getLinkAmpRangeBoost
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @returns {number} The total boost factor for the link range.
window.getLinkAmpRangeBoost = function(d) {
  if (window.teamStringToId(d.team) === window.TEAM_MAC) {
    return 1.0;
  // additional range boost calculation

  // link amps scale: first is full, second a quarter, the last two an eighth
  var scale = [1.0, 0.25, 0.125, 0.125];

  var boost = 0.0;  // initial boost is 0.0 (i.e. no boost over standard range)

  var linkAmps = getPortalModsByType(d, 'LINK_AMPLIFIER');

  linkAmps.forEach(function(mod, i) {
    // link amp stat LINK_RANGE_MULTIPLIER is 2000 for rare, and gives 2x boost to the range
    // and very-rare is 7000 and gives 7x the range
    var baseMultiplier = mod.stats.LINK_RANGE_MULTIPLIER/1000;
    boost += baseMultiplier*scale[i];

  return (linkAmps.length > 0) ? boost : 1.0;

 * Calculates the potential AP gain from attacking a portal.
 * @function getAttackApGain
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing resonator and ownership information.
 * @param {number} fieldCount - The number of fields attached to the portal.
 * @param {number} linkCount - The number of links attached to the portal.
 * @returns {Object} An object detailing various components of AP gain, including totals for friendly and enemy factions.
window.getAttackApGain = function(d,fieldCount,linkCount) {
  if (!fieldCount) fieldCount = 0;

  var resoCount = 0;
  var maxResonators = MAX_RESO_PER_PLAYER.slice(0);
  var curResonators = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

  for(var n = PLAYER.level + 1; n < 9; n++) {
    maxResonators[n] = 0;
  $.each(d.resonators, function(ind, reso) {
      return true;
    resoCount += 1;
    var reslevel=parseInt(reso.level);
    if(reso.owner === PLAYER.nickname) {
      if(maxResonators[reslevel] > 0) {
        maxResonators[reslevel] -= 1;
    } else {
      curResonators[reslevel] += 1;

  var resoAp = resoCount * DESTROY_RESONATOR;
  var linkAp = linkCount * DESTROY_LINK;
  var fieldAp = fieldCount * DESTROY_FIELD;
  var destroyAp = resoAp + linkAp + fieldAp;
  var enemyAp = destroyAp + captureAp;
  var deployCount = 8 - resoCount;
  var completionAp = (deployCount > 0) ? COMPLETION_BONUS : 0;
  var upgradeCount = 0;
  var upgradeAvailable = maxResonators[8];
  for(var n = 7; n >= 0; n--) {
    upgradeCount += curResonators[n];
    if(upgradeAvailable < upgradeCount) {
        upgradeCount -= (upgradeCount - upgradeAvailable);
    upgradeAvailable += maxResonators[n];
  var friendlyAp = deployCount * DEPLOY_RESONATOR + upgradeCount * UPGRADE_ANOTHERS_RESONATOR + completionAp;
  return {
    friendlyAp: friendlyAp,
    deployCount: deployCount,
    upgradeCount: upgradeCount,
    enemyAp: enemyAp,
    destroyAp: destroyAp,
    resoAp: resoAp,
    captureAp: captureAp

 * Corrects the portal image URL to match the current protocol (http/https).
 * @function fixPortalImageUrl
 * @param {string} url - The original image URL.
 * @returns {string} The corrected image URL.
window.fixPortalImageUrl = function (url) {
  if (url) {
    if (window.location.protocol === 'https:') {
      url = url.replace(/^http:\/\//, '//');
    return url;
  } else {


 * Returns a list of portal mods filtered by a specific type.
 * @function getPortalModsByType
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @param {string} type - The type of mods to filter (e.g., 'RES_SHIELD', 'LINK_AMPLIFIER').
 * @returns {Array} An array of mods matching the specified type.
window.getPortalModsByType = function(d, type) {
  var mods = [];

  var typeToStat = {

  var stat = typeToStat[type];

  $.each(d.mods || [], function(i,mod) {
    if (mod && mod.stats.hasOwnProperty(stat)) mods.push(mod);

  // sorting mods by the stat keeps code simpler, when calculating combined mod effects
  mods.sort (function(a,b) {
    return b.stats[stat] - a.stats[stat];

  return mods;

 * Calculates the total mitigation provided by shields installed on a portal.
 * @function getPortalShieldMitigation
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @returns {number} The total mitigation value from all shields installed on the portal.
window.getPortalShieldMitigation = function(d) {
  var shields = getPortalModsByType(d, 'RES_SHIELD');

  var mitigation = 0;
  $.each(shields, function(i,s) {
    mitigation += parseInt(s.stats.MITIGATION);

  return mitigation;

 * Calculates the link defense boost provided by installed Ultra Link Amps.
 * @function getPortalLinkDefenseBoost
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @returns {number} The total link defense boost factor.
window.getPortalLinkDefenseBoost = function(d) {
  var ultraLinkAmps = getPortalModsByType(d, 'ULTRA_LINK_AMP');

  var linkDefenseBoost = 1;

  $.each(ultraLinkAmps, function (index, ultraLinkAmp) {
    linkDefenseBoost *= parseInt(ultraLinkAmp.stats.LINK_DEFENSE_BOOST) / 1000;

  return Math.round(10 * linkDefenseBoost) / 10;

 * Calculates the additional mitigation provided by links attached to a portal.
 * @function getPortalLinksMitigation
 * @param {number} linkCount - The number of links attached to the portal.
 * @returns {number} The additional mitigation value provided by the links.
window.getPortalLinksMitigation = function(linkCount) {
  var mitigation = Math.round(400/9*Math.atan(linkCount/Math.E));
  return mitigation;

 * Calculates detailed mitigation information for a portal, including contributions from shields and links.
 * @function getPortalMitigationDetails
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod and resonator information.
 * @param {number} linkCount - The number of links attached to the portal.
 * @returns {Object} An object detailing various components of mitigation.
window.getPortalMitigationDetails = function(d,linkCount) {
  var linkDefenseBoost = getPortalLinkDefenseBoost(d);

  var mitigation = {
    shields: getPortalShieldMitigation(d),
    links: getPortalLinksMitigation(linkCount) * linkDefenseBoost,
    linkDefenseBoost: linkDefenseBoost

  // mitigation is limited to 95% (as confirmed by Brandon Badger on G+)
  mitigation.total = Math.min(95, mitigation.shields+mitigation.links);

  var excess = (mitigation.shields+mitigation.links) - mitigation.total;
  mitigation.excess = Math.round(10 * excess) / 10;

  return mitigation;

 * Calculates the maximum number of outgoing links that can be created from a portal.
 * @function getMaxOutgoingLinks
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @returns {number} The maximum number of outgoing links.
window.getMaxOutgoingLinks = function(d) {
  var linkAmps = getPortalModsByType(d, 'ULTRA_LINK_AMP');

  var links = 8;

  linkAmps.forEach(function(mod, i) {
    links += parseInt(mod.stats.OUTGOING_LINKS_BONUS);

  return links;

 * Calculates hack-related details of a portal, such as hack cooldown and burnout time.
 * @function getPortalHackDetails
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing hack-related details like cooldown time, hack count, and burnout time.
window.getPortalHackDetails = function(d) {

  var heatsinks = getPortalModsByType(d, 'HEATSINK');
  var multihacks = getPortalModsByType(d, 'MULTIHACK');

  // first mod of type is fully effective, the others are only 50% effective
  var effectivenessReduction = [ 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ];

  var cooldownTime = BASE_HACK_COOLDOWN;

  $.each(heatsinks, function(index,mod) {
    var hackSpeed = parseInt(mod.stats.HACK_SPEED)/1000000;
    cooldownTime = Math.round(cooldownTime * (1 - hackSpeed * effectivenessReduction[index]));

  var hackCount = BASE_HACK_COUNT; // default hacks

  $.each(multihacks, function(index,mod) {
    var extraHacks = parseInt(mod.stats.BURNOUT_INSULATION);
    hackCount = hackCount + (extraHacks * effectivenessReduction[index]);

  return {cooldown: cooldownTime, hacks: hackCount, burnout: cooldownTime*(hackCount-1)};

 * Converts detailed portal information into a summary format similar to that seen in the map tile data.
 * @function getPortalSummaryData
 * @param {Object} d - The detailed portal data.
 * @returns {Object} A summary of the portal data, including level, title, image, resonator count, health, and team.
window.getPortalSummaryData = function(d) {

  // NOTE: the summary data reports unclaimed portals as level 1 - not zero as elsewhere in IITC
  var level = parseInt(getPortalLevel(d));
  if (level == 0) level = 1; //niantic returns neutral portals as level 1, not 0 as used throughout IITC elsewhere

  var resCount = 0;
  if (d.resonators) {
    for (var x in d.resonators) {
      if (d.resonators[x]) resCount++;
  var maxEnergy = getTotalPortalEnergy(d);
  var curEnergy = getCurrentPortalEnergy(d);
  var health = maxEnergy>0 ? parseInt(curEnergy/maxEnergy*100) : 0;

  return {
    level: level,
    title: d.title,
    image: d.image,
    resCount: resCount,
    latE6: d.latE6,
    health: health,
    team: d.team,
    lngE6: d.lngE6,
    type: 'portal'

 * Calculates various attack values of a portal, including hit bonus, force amplifier, and attack frequency.
 * @function getPortalAttackValues
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing mod information.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing attack values such as hit bonus, force amplifier, and attack frequency.
window.getPortalAttackValues = function(d) {
  var forceamps = getPortalModsByType(d, 'FORCE_AMP');
  var turrets = getPortalModsByType(d, 'TURRET');

  // at the time of writing, only rare force amps and turrets have been seen in the wild, so there's a little guesswork
  // at how the stats work and combine
  // algorithm has been compied from getLinkAmpRangeBoost
  // FIXME: only extract stats and put the calculation in a method to be used for link range, force amplifier and attack
  // frequency
  // note: scanner shows rounded values (adding a second FA shows: 2.5x+0.2x=2.8x, which should be 2.5x+0.25x=2.75x)

  // amplifier scale: first is full, second a quarter, the last two an eighth
  var scale = [1.0, 0.25, 0.125, 0.125];

  var attackValues = {
    hit_bonus: 0,
    force_amplifier: 0,
    attack_frequency: 0,

  forceamps.forEach(function(mod, i) {
    // force amp stat FORCE_AMPLIFIER is 2000 for rare, and gives 2x boost to the range
    var baseMultiplier = mod.stats.FORCE_AMPLIFIER / 1000;
    attackValues.force_amplifier += baseMultiplier * scale[i];

  turrets.forEach(function(mod, i) {
    // turret stat ATTACK_FREQUENCY is 2000 for rare, and gives 2x boost to the range
    var baseMultiplier = mod.stats.ATTACK_FREQUENCY / 1000;
    attackValues.attack_frequency += baseMultiplier * scale[i];

    attackValues.hit_bonus += mod.stats.HIT_BONUS / 10000;

  return attackValues;