 * @file Main code block that renders the portal details in the sidebar and
 * methods that highlight the portal in the map view.
 * @module portal_detail_display

 * Resets the scroll position of the sidebar when a new portal is selected.
 * @function resetScrollOnNewPortal
window.resetScrollOnNewPortal = function() {
  if (selectedPortal !== window.renderPortalDetails.lastVisible) {
    // another portal selected so scroll position become irrelevant to new portal details
    $("#sidebar").scrollTop(0); // NB: this works ONLY when #sidebar:visible

 * Generates and displays URLs related to the portal.
 * This includes a permalink for the portal, a link for Ingress Prime, and links to alternative maps.
 * Function is overwritten in `app.js`
 * @function renderPortalUrl
 * @param {number} lat - The latitude of the portal.
 * @param {number} lng - The longitude of the portal.
 * @param {string} title - The title of the portal.
 * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
window.renderPortalUrl = function (lat, lng, title, guid) {
  var linkDetails = $('.linkdetails');

  // a permalink for the portal
  var permaHtml = $('<a>').attr({
    href: window.makePermalink([lat,lng]),
    title: 'Create a URL link to this portal'}
  ).text('Portal link');

  var scannerLink = $('<a>')
      href: window.makePrimeLink(guid, lat, lng),
      title: 'Copy link to this portal for Ingress Prime',
    .click(function (event) {
      return false;
    .text('Copy scanner link');

  // and a map link popup dialog
  var mapHtml = $('<a>').attr({
    title: 'Link to alternative maps (Google, etc)'
  }).text('Map links').click(window.showPortalPosLinks.bind(this, lat, lng, title));

 * Renders the details of a portal in the sidebar.
 * @function renderPortalDetails
 * @param {string} guid - The globally unique identifier of the portal to display details for.
window.renderPortalDetails = function(guid) {
  selectPortal(window.portals[guid] ? guid : null);
  if ($('#sidebar').is(':visible')) {
    window.renderPortalDetails.lastVisible = guid;

  if (guid && !portalDetail.isFresh(guid)) {

  // TODO? handle the case where we request data for a particular portal GUID, but it *isn't* in
  // window.portals....

  if(!window.portals[guid]) {
    urlPortal = guid;
    if(isSmartphone()) {
      $('#mobileinfo').html('<div style="text-align: center"><b>tap here for info screen</b></div>');

  var portal = window.portals[guid];
  var data = portal.options.data;
  var details = portalDetail.get(guid);
  var historyDetails = getPortalHistoryDetails(data);

  // details and data can get out of sync. if we have details, construct a matching 'data'
  if (details) {
    data = getPortalSummaryData(details);

  var modDetails = details ? '<div class="mods">'+getModDetails(details)+'</div>' : '';
  var miscDetails = details ? getPortalMiscDetails(guid,details) : '';
  var resoDetails = details ? getResonatorDetails(details) : '';

//TODO? other status details...
  var statusDetails = details ? '' : '<div id="portalStatus">Loading details...</div>';

  var img = fixPortalImageUrl(details ? details.image : data.image);
  var title = (details && details.title) || (data && data.title) || 'null';

  var lat = data.latE6/1E6;
  var lng = data.lngE6/1E6;

  var imgTitle = title+'\n\nClick to show full image.';

  // portal level. start with basic data - then extend with fractional info in tooltip if available
  var levelInt = (teamStringToId(data.team) == TEAM_NONE) ? 0 : data.level;
  var levelDetails = levelInt;
  if (details) {
    levelDetails = getPortalLevel(details);
    if(levelDetails != 8) {
        levelDetails += "\n8";
        levelDetails += "\n" + (Math.ceil(levelDetails) - levelDetails)*8;
      levelDetails += " resonator level(s) needed for next portal level";
    } else {
      levelDetails += "\nfully upgraded";
  levelDetails = "Level " + levelDetails;

    .html('') //to ensure it's clear
    .attr('class', TEAM_TO_CSS[teamStringToId(data.team)])
      $('<h3>', { class:'title' })
          $('<svg><use xlink:href="#ic_place_24px"/><title>Click to move to portal</title></svg>')
              class: 'material-icons icon-button',
              style: 'float: left'
            .click(function() {
              if (isSmartphone()) { show('map') };

        class: 'close',
        title: 'Close [w]',
        accesskey: 'w'
        .click(function () {
          if (isSmartphone()) { show('map') };

      // help cursor via ".imgpreview img"
          class: 'imgpreview',
          title: imgTitle,
          style: 'background-image: url("' + img + '")'
          $('<span>', { id: 'level', title: levelDetails })
          $('<img>', { class: 'hide', src:img })

      $('<div>', { class: 'linkdetails' }),

  window.renderPortalUrl(lat, lng, title, guid);

  // only run the hooks when we have a portalDetails object - most plugins rely on the extended data
  // TODO? another hook to call always, for any plugins that can work with less data?
  if (details) {
    runHooks('portalDetailsUpdated', {guid: guid, portal: portal, portalDetails: details, portalData: data});

 * Gets miscellaneous details for a specified portal.
 * @function getPortalMiscDetails
 * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
 * @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing various properties of the portal.
 * @returns {string} HTML string representing the miscellaneous details of the portal.
window.getPortalMiscDetails = function(guid,d) {

  var randDetails;

  if (d) {

    // collect some random data that’s not worth to put in an own method
    var linkInfo = getPortalLinks(guid);
    var maxOutgoing = getMaxOutgoingLinks(d);
    var linkCount = linkInfo.in.length + linkInfo.out.length;
    var links = {incoming: linkInfo.in.length, outgoing: linkInfo.out.length};

    var title = 'at most ' + maxOutgoing + ' outgoing links\n' +
                links.outgoing + ' links out\n' +
                links.incoming + ' links in\n' +
                '(' + (links.outgoing+links.incoming) + ' total)'
    var linksText = ['links', links.outgoing+' out / '+links.incoming+' in', title];

    var player = d.owner
      ? '<span class="nickname">' + d.owner + '</span>'
      : '-';
    var playerText = ['owner', player];

    var fieldCount = getPortalFieldsCount(guid);

    var fieldsText = ['fields', fieldCount];

    var apGainText = getAttackApGainText(d,fieldCount,linkCount);

    var attackValues = getPortalAttackValues(d);

    // collect and html-ify random data

    var randDetailsData = [
      // these pieces of data are only relevant when the portal is captured
      // maybe check if portal is captured and remove?
      // But this makes the info panel look rather empty for unclaimed portals
      playerText, getRangeText(d),
      linksText, fieldsText,
      getMitigationText(d,linkCount), getEnergyText(d),
      // and these have some use, even for uncaptured portals
      apGainText, getHackDetailsText(d),

    if(attackValues.attack_frequency != 0)
        '<span title="attack frequency" class="text-overflow-ellipsis">attack frequency</span>',
    if(attackValues.hit_bonus != 0)
      randDetailsData.push(['hit bonus', attackValues.hit_bonus+'%']);
    if(attackValues.force_amplifier != 0)
        '<span title="force amplifier" class="text-overflow-ellipsis">force amplifier</span>',

    randDetails = '<table id="randdetails">' + genFourColumnTable(randDetailsData) + '</table>';

    // artifacts - tacked on after (but not as part of) the 'randdetails' table
    // instead of using the existing columns....

    if (d.artifactBrief && d.artifactBrief.target && Object.keys(d.artifactBrief.target).length > 0) {
      var targets = Object.keys(d.artifactBrief.target);
      // currently (2015-07-10) we no longer know the team each target portal is for - so we'll just show the artifact type(s)
       randDetails += '<div id="artifact_target">Target portal: '+targets.map(function(x) { return x.capitalize(); }).join(', ')+'</div>';

    // shards - taken directly from the portal details
    if (d.artifactDetail) {
      randDetails += '<div id="artifact_fragments">Shards: '+d.artifactDetail.displayName+' #'+d.artifactDetail.fragments.join(', ')+'</div>';


  return randDetails;

 * The function adds circles indicating the hack range and link range of the portal.
 * If the portal object are null, the indicators are removed.
 * @function setPortalIndicators
 * @param {Object} p - The portal object for which to set the indicators.
window.setPortalIndicators = function(p) {

  if(portalRangeIndicator) map.removeLayer(portalRangeIndicator);
  portalRangeIndicator = null;
  if(portalAccessIndicator) map.removeLayer(portalAccessIndicator);
  portalAccessIndicator = null;

  // if we have a portal...

  if(p) {
    var coord = p.getLatLng();

    // range is only known for sure if we have portal details
    // TODO? render a min range guess until details are loaded..?

    var d = portalDetail.get(p.options.guid);
    if (d) {
      var range = getPortalRange(d);
      portalRangeIndicator = (range.range > 0
          ? L.geodesicCircle(coord, range.range, {
              fill: false,
              color: RANGE_INDICATOR_COLOR,
              weight: 3,
              dashArray: range.isLinkable ? undefined : "10,10",
              interactive: false })
          : L.circle(coord, range.range, { fill: false, stroke: false, interactive: false })

    portalAccessIndicator = L.circle(coord, HACK_RANGE,
      { fill: false, color: ACCESS_INDICATOR_COLOR, weight: 2, interactive: false }


 * Highlights the selected portal on the map and clears the highlight from the previously selected portal.
 * @function selectPortal
 * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal to select.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the same portal is re-selected (just an update), false if a different portal is selected.
window.selectPortal = function(guid) {
  var update = selectedPortal === guid;
  var oldPortalGuid = selectedPortal;
  selectedPortal = guid;

  var oldPortal = portals[oldPortalGuid];
  var newPortal = portals[guid];

  // Restore style of unselected portal
  if(!update && oldPortal) setMarkerStyle(oldPortal,false);

  // Change style of selected portal
  if(newPortal) {
    setMarkerStyle(newPortal, true);

    if (map.hasLayer(newPortal)) {


  runHooks('portalSelected', {selectedPortalGuid: guid, unselectedPortalGuid: oldPortalGuid});
  return update;