 * @file Contain misc functions to get portal info
 * @module portal_data

 * Search through the links data for all that link from and to a portal. Returns an object with separate lists of in
 * and out links. May or may not be as accurate as the portal details, depending on how much data the API returns.
 * @function getPortalLinks
 * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal to search for links.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing arrays of incoming ('in') and outgoing ('out') link GUIDs.
window.getPortalLinks = function(guid) {

  var links = { in: [], out: [] };

  $.each(window.links, function(g,l) {
    var d = l.options.data;

    if (d.oGuid == guid) {
    if (d.dGuid == guid) {

  return links;

 * Counts the total number of links (both incoming and outgoing) for a specified portal.
 * @function getPortalLinksCount
 * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
 * @returns {number} The total number of links for the portal.
window.getPortalLinksCount = function(guid) {
  var links = getPortalLinks(guid);
  return links.in.length+links.out.length;

 * Searches through the fields for all fields that reference a specified portal.
 * @function getPortalFields
 * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal to search for fields.
 * @returns {Array} An array containing the GUIDs of fields associated with the portal.
window.getPortalFields = function(guid) {
  var fields = [];

  $.each(window.fields, function(g,f) {
    var d = f.options.data;

    if ( d.points[0].guid == guid
      || d.points[1].guid == guid
      || d.points[2].guid == guid ) {


  return fields;

 * Counts the total number of fields associated with a specified portal.
 * @function getPortalFieldsCount
 * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
 * @returns {number} The total number of fields associated with the portal.
window.getPortalFieldsCount = function(guid) {
  var fields = getPortalFields(guid);
  return fields.length;

(function () {
  var cache = {};
  var cache_level = 0;
  var GC_LIMIT = 15000; // run garbage collector when cache has more that 5000 items
  var GC_KEEP = 10000; // keep the 4000 most recent items

   * Finds a portal GUID by its position. Searches through currently rendered portals, fields, and links.
   * If the portal is not found in the current render, it checks a cache of recently seen portals.
   * @function
   * @name findPortalGuidByPositionE6
   * @param {number} latE6 - The latitude in E6 format.
   * @param {number} lngE6 - The longitude in E6 format.
   * @returns {string|null} The GUID of the portal at the specified location, or null if not found.
  window.findPortalGuidByPositionE6 = function(latE6, lngE6) {
    var item = cache[latE6+","+lngE6];
    if(item) return item[0];

    // now try searching through currently rendered portals
    for(var guid in window.portals) {
      var data = window.portals[guid].options.data;
      if(data.latE6 == latE6 && data.lngE6 == lngE6) return guid;

    // now try searching through fields
    for(var fguid in window.fields) {
      var points = window.fields[fguid].options.data.points;

      for(var i in points) {
        var point = points[i];
        if(point.latE6 == latE6 && point.lngE6 == lngE6) return point.guid;

    // and finally search through links
    for(var lguid in window.links) {
      var l = window.links[lguid].options.data;
      if(l.oLatE6 == latE6 && l.oLngE6 == lngE6) return l.oGuid;
      if(l.dLatE6 == latE6 && l.dLngE6 == lngE6) return l.dGuid;

    return null;

   * Pushes a portal GUID and its position into a cache.
   * @function
   * @name pushPortalGuidPositionCache
   * @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
   * @param {number} latE6 - The latitude in E6 format.
   * @param {number} lngE6 - The longitude in E6 format.
  window.pushPortalGuidPositionCache = function(guid, latE6, lngE6) {
    cache[latE6+","+lngE6] = [guid, Date.now()];
    cache_level += 1;

    if(cache_level > GC_LIMIT) {
      Object.keys(cache) // get all latlngs
        .map(function(latlng) { return [latlng, cache[latlng][1]]; })  // map them to [latlng, timestamp]
        .sort(function(a,b) { return b[1] - a[1]; }) // sort them
        .slice(GC_KEEP) // drop the MRU
        .forEach(function(item) { delete cache[item[0]] }); // delete the rest
      cache_level = Object.keys(cache).length