/* global L */
* Manages rendering of map data (portals, links, fields) into Leaflet.
* @class Render
window.Render = function () {
this.portalMarkerScale = undefined;
* Initiates a render pass. It's called at the start of making a batch of data requests to the servers.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {L.LatLngBounds} bounds - The bounds within which the render pass will occur.
window.Render.prototype.startRenderPass = function (bounds) {
this.deletedGuid = {}; // object - represents the set of all deleted game entity GUIDs seen in a render pass
this.seenPortalsGuid = {};
this.seenLinksGuid = {};
this.seenFieldsGuid = {};
// we pad the bounds used for clearing a litle bit, as entities are sometimes returned outside of their specified tile boundaries
// this will just avoid a few entity removals at start of render when they'll just be added again
var paddedBounds = bounds.pad(0.1);
* Clears portals outside the specified bounds.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {L.LatLngBounds} bounds - The bounds to check against.
window.Render.prototype.clearPortalsOutsideBounds = function (bounds) {
for (var guid in window.portals) {
var p = portals[guid];
// clear portals outside visible bounds - unless it's the selected portal, or it's relevant to artifacts
if (!bounds.contains(p.getLatLng()) && guid !== selectedPortal && !artifact.isInterestingPortal(guid)) {
* Clears links that are outside the specified bounds.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {L.LatLngBounds} bounds - The bounds to check against for link removal.
window.Render.prototype.clearLinksOutsideBounds = function (bounds) {
for (var guid in window.links) {
var l = links[guid];
// NOTE: our geodesic lines can have lots of intermediate points. the bounds calculation hasn't been optimised for this
// so can be particularly slow. a simple bounds check based on start+end point will be good enough for this check
var lls = l.getLatLngs();
var linkBounds = L.latLngBounds(lls);
if (!bounds.intersects(linkBounds)) {
* Clears fields that are outside the specified bounds.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {L.LatLngBounds} bounds - The bounds to check against for field removal.
window.Render.prototype.clearFieldsOutsideBounds = function (bounds) {
for (var guid in window.fields) {
var f = fields[guid];
// NOTE: our geodesic polys can have lots of intermediate points. the bounds calculation hasn't been optimised for this
// so can be particularly slow. a simple bounds check based on corner points will be good enough for this check
var lls = f.getLatLngs();
var fieldBounds = L.latLngBounds([lls[0], lls[1]]).extend(lls[2]);
if (!bounds.intersects(fieldBounds)) {
* Processes tile data including deleted entity GUIDs and game entities.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Object} tiledata - Data for a specific map tile.
window.Render.prototype.processTileData = function(tiledata) {
* Processes deleted game entity GUIDs and removes them from the map.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Array} deleted - Array of deleted game entity GUIDs.
window.Render.prototype.processDeletedGameEntityGuids = function(deleted) {
for(var i in deleted) {
var guid = deleted[i];
if ( !(guid in this.deletedGuid) ) {
this.deletedGuid[guid] = true; // flag this guid as having being processed
if (guid == selectedPortal) {
// the rare case of the selected portal being deleted. clear the details tab and deselect it
* Processes game entities (fields, links, portals) and creates them on the map.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Array} entities - Array of game entities.
* @param {Object} details - Details for the {@link window.decodeArray.portal} function.
window.Render.prototype.processGameEntities = function(entities, details) { // details expected in decodeArray.portal
// we loop through the entities three times - for fields, links and portals separately
// this is a reasonably efficient work-around for leafletjs limitations on svg render order
for (var i in entities) {
var ent = entities[i];
if (ent[2][0] == 'r' && !(ent[0] in this.deletedGuid)) {
for (var i in entities) {
var ent = entities[i];
if (ent[2][0] == 'e' && !(ent[0] in this.deletedGuid)) {
for (var i in entities) {
var ent = entities[i];
if (ent[2][0] == 'p' && !(ent[0] in this.deletedGuid)) {
this.createPortalEntity(ent, details);
* Ends a render pass. This includes cleanup and processing of any remaining data.
* Called when the render is considered complete.
* @function
* @memberof Render
window.Render.prototype.endRenderPass = function() {
var countp=0,countl=0,countf=0;
// check to see if there are any entities we haven't seen. if so, delete them
for (var guid in window.portals) {
// special case for selected portal - it's kept even if not seen
// artifact (e.g. jarvis shard) portals are also kept - but they're always 'seen'
if (!(guid in this.seenPortalsGuid) && guid !== selectedPortal) {
for (var guid in window.links) {
if (!(guid in this.seenLinksGuid)) {
for (var guid in window.fields) {
if (!(guid in this.seenFieldsGuid)) {
log.log('Render: end cleanup: removed '+countp+' portals, '+countl+' links, '+countf+' fields');
// reorder portals to be after links/fields
// re-select the selected portal, to re-render the side-bar. ensures that any data calculated from the map data is up to date
if (selectedPortal) {
renderPortalDetails (selectedPortal);
* Brings portal markers to the front of the map view, ensuring they are rendered above links and fields.
* @function
* @memberof Render
window.Render.prototype.bringPortalsToFront = function() {
for (var guid in window.portals) {
// artifact portals are always brought to the front, above all others
$.each(artifact.getInterestingPortals(), function(i,guid) {
if (portals[guid] && portals[guid]._map) {
* Deletes an entity (portal, link, or field) from the map based on its GUID.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {string} guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity to delete.
window.Render.prototype.deleteEntity = function(guid) {
* Deletes a portal entity from the map based on its GUID.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {string} guid - The globally unique identifier of the portal to delete.
window.Render.prototype.deletePortalEntity = function(guid) {
if (guid in window.portals) {
var p = window.portals[guid];
delete window.portals[guid];
window.runHooks('portalRemoved', {portal: p, data: p.options.data });
* Deletes a link entity from the map based on its GUID.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {string} guid - The globally unique identifier of the link to delete.
window.Render.prototype.deleteLinkEntity = function(guid) {
if (guid in window.links) {
var l = window.links[guid];
delete window.links[guid];
window.runHooks('linkRemoved', {link: l, data: l.options.data });
* Deletes a field entity from the map based on its GUID.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {string} guid - The globally unique identifier of the field to delete.
window.Render.prototype.deleteFieldEntity = function(guid) {
if (guid in window.fields) {
var f = window.fields[guid];
delete window.fields[guid];
window.runHooks('fieldRemoved', {field: f, data: f.options.data });
* Creates a placeholder portal entity. This is used when the portal is not fully loaded,
* but its existence is known from links/fields.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {string} guid - The globally unique identifier of the portal.
* @param {number} latE6 - The latitude of the portal in E6 format.
* @param {number} lngE6 - The longitude of the portal in E6 format.
* @param {string} team - The team faction of the portal.
* @param {number} [timestamp] - The timestamp of the portal data.
window.Render.prototype.createPlaceholderPortalEntity = function (guid, latE6, lngE6, team, timestamp) {
// intel no longer returns portals at anything but the closest zoom
// stock intel creates 'placeholder' portals from the data in links/fields - IITC needs to do the same
// we only have the portal guid, lat/lng coords, and the faction - no other data
// having the guid, at least, allows the portal details to be loaded once it's selected. however,
// no highlighters, portal level numbers, portal names, useful counts of portals, etc are possible
// zero will mean any other source of portal data will have a higher timestamp
timestamp = timestamp || 0;
var ent = [
guid, // ent[0] = guid
-1, // ent[1] = timestamp - zero will mean any other source of portal data will have a higher timestamp
// ent[2] = an array with the entity data
'p', // 0 - a portal
team, // 1 - team
latE6, // 2 - lat
lngE6, // 3 - lng
// placeholder portals don't have a useful timestamp value - so the standard code that checks for updated
// portal details doesn't apply
// so, check that the basic details are valid and delete the existing portal if out of date
var portalMoved = false;
if (guid in window.portals) {
var p = window.portals[guid];
portalMoved = latE6 !== p.options.data.latE6 || lngE6 !== p.options.data.lngE6;
if (team !== p.options.data.team && p.options.timestamp < timestamp) {
// team - delete existing portal
if (!portalMoved) {
this.createPortalEntity(ent, 'core'); // placeholder
* Creates a portal entity from the provided game entity data.
* If the portal already exists and the new data is more recent, it replaces the existing data.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Array} ent - An array representing the game entity.
* @param {string} details - Detail level expected in {@link window.decodeArray.portal} (e.g., 'core', 'summary').
window.Render.prototype.createPortalEntity = function(ent, details) { // details expected in decodeArray.portal
this.seenPortalsGuid[ent[0]] = true; // flag we've seen it
var previousData = undefined;
var data = decodeArray.portal(ent[2], details);
// check if entity already exists
if (ent[0] in window.portals) {
// yes. now check to see if the entity data we have is newer than that in place
var p = window.portals[ent[0]];
if (!data.history || p.options.data.history === data.history)
if (p.options.timestamp >= ent[1]) {
return; // this data is identical or older - abort processing
// the data we have is newer. many data changes require re-rendering of the portal
// (e.g. level changed, so size is different, or stats changed so highlighter is different)
// so to keep things simple we'll always re-create the entity in this case
// remember the old details, for the callback
previousData = p.options.data;
// preserve history
if (!data.history) {
data.history = previousData.history;
var portalLevel = parseInt(data.level)||0;
var team = teamStringToId(data.team);
// the data returns unclaimed portals as level 1 - but IITC wants them treated as level 0
if (team == TEAM_NONE) portalLevel = 0;
var latlng = L.latLng(data.latE6/1E6, data.lngE6/1E6);
var dataOptions = {
level: portalLevel,
team: team,
ent: ent, // LEGACY - TO BE REMOVED AT SOME POINT! use .guid, .timestamp and .data instead
guid: ent[0],
timestamp: ent[1],
data: data
window.pushPortalGuidPositionCache(ent[0], data.latE6, data.lngE6);
var marker = createMarker(latlng, dataOptions);
function handler_portal_click (e) {
function handler_portal_dblclick (e) {
window.map.setView(e.target.getLatLng(), DEFAULT_ZOOM);
function handler_portal_contextmenu (e) {
if (window.isSmartphone()) {
} else if (!$('#scrollwrapper').is(':visible')) {
marker.on('click', handler_portal_click);
marker.on('dblclick', handler_portal_dblclick);
marker.on('contextmenu', handler_portal_contextmenu);
window.runHooks('portalAdded', {portal: marker, previousData: previousData});
window.portals[ent[0]] = marker;
// check for URL links to portal, and select it if this is the one
if (urlPortalLL && urlPortalLL[0] == marker.getLatLng().lat && urlPortalLL[1] == marker.getLatLng().lng) {
// URL-passed portal found via pll parameter - set the guid-based parameter
log.log('urlPortalLL '+urlPortalLL[0]+','+urlPortalLL[1]+' matches portal GUID '+ent[0]);
urlPortal = ent[0];
urlPortalLL = undefined; // clear the URL parameter so it's not matched again
if (urlPortal == ent[0]) {
// URL-passed portal found via guid parameter - set it as the selected portal
log.log('urlPortal GUID '+urlPortal+' found - selecting...');
selectedPortal = ent[0];
urlPortal = undefined; // clear the URL parameter so it's not matched again
// (re-)select the portal, to refresh the sidebar on any changes
if (ent[0] == selectedPortal) {
log.log('portal guid '+ent[0]+' is the selected portal - re-rendering portal details');
renderPortalDetails (selectedPortal);
//TODO? postpone adding to the map layer
* Creates a field entity from the provided game entity data.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Array} ent - An array representing the game entity.
window.Render.prototype.createFieldEntity = function(ent) {
this.seenFieldsGuid[ent[0]] = true; // flag we've seen it
var data = {
// type: ent[2][0],
timestamp: ent[1],
team: ent[2][1],
points: ent[2][2].map(function(arr) { return {guid: arr[0], latE6: arr[1], lngE6: arr[2] }; })
//create placeholder portals for field corners. we already do links, but there are the odd case where this is useful
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
var p=data.points[i];
this.createPlaceholderPortalEntity(p.guid, p.latE6, p.lngE6, data.team, data.timestamp);
// check if entity already exists
if(ent[0] in window.fields) {
// yes. in theory, we should never get updated data for an existing field. they're created, and they're destroyed - never changed
// but theory and practice may not be the same thing...
var f = window.fields[ent[0]];
if (f.options.timestamp >= ent[1]) return; // this data is identical (or order) than that rendered - abort processing
// the data we have is newer - two options
// 1. just update the data, assume the field render appearance is unmodified
// 2. delete the entity, then re-create with the new data
this.deleteFieldEntity(ent[0]); // option 2, for now
var team = teamStringToId(ent[2][1]);
var latlngs = [
L.latLng(data.points[0].latE6/1E6, data.points[0].lngE6/1E6),
L.latLng(data.points[1].latE6/1E6, data.points[1].lngE6/1E6),
L.latLng(data.points[2].latE6/1E6, data.points[2].lngE6/1E6)
var poly = L.geodesicPolygon(latlngs, {
fillColor: COLORS[team],
fillOpacity: 0.25,
stroke: false,
interactive: false,
team: team,
ent: ent, // LEGACY - TO BE REMOVED AT SOME POINT! use .guid, .timestamp and .data instead
guid: ent[0],
timestamp: data.timestamp,
data: data,
runHooks('fieldAdded',{field: poly});
window.fields[ent[0]] = poly;
// TODO? postpone adding to the layer??
if (!IITC.filters.filterField(poly)) poly.addTo(window.map);
* Creates a link entity from the provided game entity data.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Array} ent - An array representing the game entity.
window.Render.prototype.createLinkEntity = function (ent) {
// Niantic have been faking link entities, based on data from fields
// these faked links are sent along with the real portal links, causing duplicates
// the faked ones all have longer GUIDs, based on the field GUID (with _ab, _ac, _bc appended)
var fakedLink = new RegExp("^[0-9a-f]{32}\.b_[ab][bc]$"); //field GUIDs always end with ".b" - faked links append the edge identifier
if (fakedLink.test(ent[0])) return;
this.seenLinksGuid[ent[0]] = true; // flag we've seen it
var data = { // TODO add other properties and check correction direction
// type: ent[2][0],
timestamp: ent[1],
team: ent[2][1],
oGuid: ent[2][2],
oLatE6: ent[2][3],
oLngE6: ent[2][4],
dGuid: ent[2][5],
dLatE6: ent[2][6],
dLngE6: ent[2][7]
// create placeholder entities for link start and end points (before checking if the link itself already exists
this.createPlaceholderPortalEntity(data.oGuid, data.oLatE6, data.oLngE6, data.team, data.timestamp);
this.createPlaceholderPortalEntity(data.dGuid, data.dLatE6, data.dLngE6, data.team, data.timestamp);
// check if entity already exists
if (ent[0] in window.links) {
var l = window.links[ent[0]];
if (l.options.timestamp >= ent[1]) return; // this data is older or identical to the rendered data - abort processing
// the data is newer/better - two options
// 1. just update the data. assume the link render appearance is unmodified
// 2. delete the entity, then re-create it with the new data
this.deleteLinkEntity(ent[0]); // option 2 - for now
var team = teamStringToId(ent[2][1]);
var latlngs = [
L.latLng(data.oLatE6/1E6, data.oLngE6/1E6),
L.latLng(data.dLatE6/1E6, data.dLngE6/1E6)
var poly = L.geodesicPolyline(latlngs, {
color: COLORS[team],
opacity: 1,
weight: 2,
interactive: false,
team: team,
ent: ent, // LEGACY - TO BE REMOVED AT SOME POINT! use .guid, .timestamp and .data instead
guid: ent[0],
timestamp: ent[1],
data: data
runHooks('linkAdded', {link: poly});
window.links[ent[0]] = poly;
if (!IITC.filters.filterLink(poly)) poly.addTo(window.map);
* Rescales portal markers based on the current map zoom level.
* @function
* @memberof Render
window.Render.prototype.rescalePortalMarkers = function() {
if (this.portalMarkerScale === undefined || this.portalMarkerScale != portalMarkerScale()) {
this.portalMarkerScale = portalMarkerScale();
log.log('Render: map zoom '+map.getZoom()+' changes portal scale to '+portalMarkerScale()+' - redrawing all portals');
//NOTE: we're not calling this because it resets highlights - we're calling it as it
// resets the style (inc size) of all portal markers, applying the new scale
* Adds a portal to the visible map layer.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Object} portal - The portal object to add to the map layer.
window.Render.prototype.addPortalToMapLayer = function(portal) {
if (!IITC.filters.filterPortal(portal)) portal.addTo(window.map);
* Removes a portal from the visible map layer.
* @function
* @memberof Render
* @param {Object} portal - The portal object to remove from the map layer.
window.Render.prototype.removePortalFromMapLayer = function(portal) {
//remove it from the portalsLevels layer
/* global IITC */