 * Contains functions for rendering debug tiles on the map. These are used for debugging map data tiles.
 * @class RenderDebugTiles
window.RenderDebugTiles = function() {
  this.CLEAR_CHECK_TIME = 0.1;
  this.FADE_TIME = 1.0;

  this.debugTileLayer = L.layerGroup();
  window.layerChooser.addOverlay(this.debugTileLayer, 'DEBUG Data Tiles', {default: false});

  this.debugTileToRectangle = {};
  this.debugTileClearTimes = {};
  this.timer = undefined;

 * Resets the debug tiles by clearing all layers, rectangles and clear times.
 * @function
 * @memberof RenderDebugTiles
window.RenderDebugTiles.prototype.reset = function() {
  this.debugTileToRectangle = {};
  this.debugTileClearTimes = {};

 * Creates a new debug tile with the specified ID and bounds.
 * @function
 * @memberof RenderDebugTiles
 * @param {string} id - The ID of the debug tile.
 * @param {L.LatLngBounds} bounds - The geographical bounds of the tile.
window.RenderDebugTiles.prototype.create = function(id,bounds) {
  var s = {color: '#666', weight: 1, opacity: 0.4, fillColor: '#666', fillOpacity: 0.1, interactive: false};

  var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(bounds);
  bounds = bounds.pad(-0.02);

  var l = L.rectangle(bounds,s);
  this.debugTileToRectangle[id] = l;
  if (map.hasLayer(this.debugTileLayer)) {
    // only bring to back if we have the debug layer turned on

 * Sets the color of the border and fill for a specific debug tile.
 * @function
 * @memberof RenderDebugTiles
 * @param {string} id - The ID of the debug tile.
 * @param {string} bordercol - The color for the border.
 * @param {string} fillcol - The color for the fill.
window.RenderDebugTiles.prototype.setColour = function(id,bordercol,fillcol) {
  var l = this.debugTileToRectangle[id];
  if (l) {
    var s = {color: bordercol, fillColor: fillcol};

 * Sets the state of a specific debug tile. Changes its color based on the state.
 * @function
 * @memberof RenderDebugTiles
 * @param {string} id - The ID of the debug tile.
 * @param {string} state - The state of the tile (e.g., 'ok', 'error', 'requested').
window.RenderDebugTiles.prototype.setState = function(id,state) {
  var col = '#f0f';
  var fill = '#f0f';
  var clearDelay = -1;
  switch(state) {
    case 'ok': col='#0f0'; fill='#0f0'; clearDelay = 2; break;
    case 'error': col='#f00'; fill='#f00'; clearDelay = 30; break;
    case 'cache-fresh': col='#0f0'; fill='#ff0'; clearDelay = 2; break;
    case 'cache-stale': col='#f00'; fill='#ff0'; clearDelay = 10; break;
    case 'requested': col='#66f'; fill='#66f'; break;
    case 'retrying': col='#666'; fill='#666'; break;
    case 'request-fail': col='#a00'; fill='#666'; break;
    case 'tile-fail': col='#f00'; fill='#666'; break;
    case 'tile-timeout': col='#ff0'; fill='#666'; break;
    case 'render-queue': col='#f0f'; fill='#f0f'; break;
  this.setColour (id, col, fill);
  if (clearDelay >= 0) {
    var clearAt = Date.now() + clearDelay*1000;
    this.debugTileClearTimes[id] = clearAt;

    if (!this.timer) {

 * Starts a timer to run the clear pass function after a specified wait time.
 * @function
 * @memberof RenderDebugTiles
 * @param {number} waitTime - The wait time in milliseconds before running the clear pass.
window.RenderDebugTiles.prototype.startTimer = function(waitTime) {
  var _this = this;
  if (!_this.timer) {
    // a timeout of 0 firing the actual timeout - helps things run smoother
    _this.timer = setTimeout ( function() {
      _this.timer = setTimeout ( function() { _this.timer = undefined; _this.runClearPass(); }, waitTime );
    }, 0);

 * Executes a pass to clear debug tiles that have exceeded their fade time.
 * This function adjusts the opacity of the tiles and removes them if necessary.
 * @function
 * @memberof RenderDebugTiles
window.RenderDebugTiles.prototype.runClearPass = function() {

  var now = Date.now();
  for (var id in this.debugTileClearTimes) {
    var diff = now - this.debugTileClearTimes[id];
    if (diff > 0) {
      if (diff > this.FADE_TIME*1000) {
        delete this.debugTileClearTimes[id];
      } else {
        var fade = 1.0 - (diff / (this.FADE_TIME*1000));

        this.debugTileToRectangle[id].setStyle ({ opacity: 0.4*fade, fillOpacity: 0.1*fade });

  if (Object.keys(this.debugTileClearTimes).length > 0) {