/* global log, L, IITC, PLAYER -- eslint */
* @file This file provides functions for working with maps.
* @module map
function setupCRS () {
// use the earth radius value from s2 geometry library
// https://github.com/google/s2-geometry-library-java/blob/c28f287b996c0cedc5516a0426fbd49f6c9611ec/src/com/google/common/geometry/S2LatLng.java#L31
var EARTH_RADIUS_METERS = 6367000.0;
// distance calculations with that constant are a little closer to values observable in Ingress client.
// difference is:
// - ~0.06% when using LatLng.distanceTo() (R is 6371 vs 6367)
// - ~0.17% when using Map.distance() / CRS.destance() (R is 6378.137 vs 6367)
// (Yes, Leaflet is not consistent here, e.g. see https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/pull/6928)
// this affects LatLng.distanceTo(), which is currently used in most iitc plugins
// this affects Map.distance(), which is known to be used in draw-tools
var SphericalMercator = L.Projection.SphericalMercator;
SphericalMercator.S2 = L.extend({}, SphericalMercator, {
bounds: (function () {
return L.bounds([-d, -d], [d, d]);
L.CRS.S2 = L.extend({}, L.CRS.Earth, {
code: 'Ingress',
projection: SphericalMercator.S2,
transformation: (function () {
var scale = 0.5 / (Math.PI * SphericalMercator.S2.R);
return L.transformation(scale, 0.5, -scale, 0.5);
* Normalizes latitude, longitude, and zoom values. Ensures that the values are valid numbers, providing
* defaults if necessary.
* @function normLL
* @param {number|string} lat - Latitude value or string that can be converted to a number.
* @param {number|string} lng - Longitude value or string that can be converted to a number.
* @param {number|string} zoom - Zoom level value or string that can be converted to a number.
* @returns {Object} An object containing normalized center (latitude and longitude) and zoom level.
function normLL (lat, lng, zoom) {
return {
center: [
parseFloat(lat) || 0,
parseFloat(lng) || 0
zoom: parseInt(zoom) || window.DEFAULT_ZOOM
* Retrieves the last known map position from the URL parameters or cookies.
* Prioritizes URL parameters over cookies. Extracts and normalizes the latitude, longitude, and zoom level.
* @function getPosition
* @returns {Object} An object containing the map's position and zoom level, or undefined if not found.
function getPosition () {
var url = window.getURLParam;
var zoom = url('z');
var latE6 = url('latE6');
var lngE6 = url('lngE6');
if (latE6 && lngE6) {
log.log('mappos: reading email URL params');
return normLL(parseInt(latE6)/1E6, parseInt(lngE6)/1E6, zoom);
var ll = url('ll') || url('pll');
if (ll) {
log.log('mappos: reading stock Intel URL params');
ll = ll.split(',');
return normLL(ll[0], ll[1], zoom);
var lat = window.readCookie('ingress.intelmap.lat');
var lng = window.readCookie('ingress.intelmap.lng');
if (lat && lng) {
log.log('mappos: reading cookies');
return normLL(lat, lng, window.readCookie('ingress.intelmap.zoom'));
* Initializes and returns a collection of default basemap layers. The function creates a set of base layers
* including CartoDB (both dark and light themes), and various Google Maps layers (Default Ingress Map, Roads,
* Roads with Traffic, Satellite, Hybrid, and Terrain).
* @returns {Object.<String, Object>} An object containing different basemap layers ready to be added to a map. Each property of the
* object is a named map layer, with its value being the corresponding Leaflet tile layer object.
function createDefaultBaseMapLayers () {
var baseLayers = {};
// OpenStreetMap attribution - required by several of the layers
osmAttribution = 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors';
// MapQuest - http://developer.mapquest.com/web/products/open/map
// now requires an API key
var mqSubdomains = [ 'otile1', 'otile2', 'otile3', 'otile4' ];
var mqTileUrlPrefix = window.location.protocol !== 'https:' ? 'http://{s}.mqcdn.com' : 'https://{s}-s.mqcdn.com';
var mqMapOpt = {attribution: osmAttribution+', Tiles Courtesy of MapQuest', maxNativeZoom: 18, maxZoom: 21, subdomains: mqSubdomains};
baseLayers['MapQuest OSM'] = new L.TileLayer(mqTileUrlPrefix+'/tiles/1.0.0/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg', mqMapOpt);
// cartodb has some nice tiles too - both dark and light subtle maps - http://cartodb.com/basemaps/
// (not available over https though - not on the right domain name anyway)
var cartoAttr = '© <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, © <a href="http://cartodb.com/attributions">CartoDB</a>';
var cartoUrl = 'https://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/{theme}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
baseLayers['CartoDB Dark Matter'] = L.tileLayer(cartoUrl, {attribution: cartoAttr, theme: 'dark_all'});
baseLayers['CartoDB Positron'] = L.tileLayer(cartoUrl, {attribution: cartoAttr, theme: 'light_all'});
// Google Maps - including ingress default (using the stock-intel API-key)
baseLayers['Google Default Ingress Map'] = L.gridLayer.googleMutant(
{ type: 'roadmap',
backgroundColor: '#0e3d4e',
styles: [
{ featureType: 'all', elementType: 'all',
stylers: [{visibility: 'on'}, {hue: '#131c1c'}, {saturation: '-50'}, {invert_lightness: true}] },
{ featureType: 'water', elementType: 'all',
stylers: [{visibility: 'on'}, {hue: '#005eff'}, {invert_lightness: true}] },
{ featureType: 'poi', stylers: [{visibility: 'off'}] },
{ featureType: 'transit', elementType: 'all', stylers: [{visibility: 'off'}] },
{ featureType: 'road', elementType: 'labels.icon', stylers: [{invert_lightness: !0}] }
baseLayers['Google Roads'] = L.gridLayer.googleMutant({type: 'roadmap'});
var trafficMutant = L.gridLayer.googleMutant({type: 'roadmap'});
baseLayers['Google Roads + Traffic'] = trafficMutant;
var transitMutant = L.gridLayer.googleMutant({ type: 'roadmap' });
baseLayers['Google Roads + Transit'] = transitMutant;
baseLayers['Google Satellite'] = L.gridLayer.googleMutant({type: 'satellite'});
baseLayers['Google Hybrid'] = L.gridLayer.googleMutant({type: 'hybrid'});
baseLayers['Google Terrain'] = L.gridLayer.googleMutant({type: 'terrain'});
return baseLayers;
* Creates and returns the default overlay layers for the map.
* Sets up various overlay layers including portals, links, fields, and faction-specific layers.
* @function createDefaultOverlays
* @returns {Object.<String, L.LayerGroup>} An object containing overlay layers for portals, links, fields, and factions
function createDefaultOverlays() {
/* eslint-disable dot-notation */
var addLayers = {};
var l0Layer = new IITC.filters.FilterLayer({
name: 'Unclaimed/Placeholder Portals',
filter: [
{ portal: true, data: { team: 'N' } },
{ portal: true, data: { level: undefined } },
addLayers[l0Layer.options.name] = l0Layer;
for (var i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
var t = 'Level ' + i + ' Portals';
var portalsLayer = new IITC.filters.FilterLayer({
name: t,
filter: [
{ portal: true, data: { level: i, team: 'R' } },
{ portal: true, data: { level: i, team: 'E' } },
{ portal: true, data: { level: i, team: 'M' } },
addLayers[t] = portalsLayer;
var fieldsLayer = new IITC.filters.FilterLayer({
name: 'Fields',
filter: { field: true },
addLayers[fieldsLayer.options.name] = fieldsLayer;
var linksLayer = new IITC.filters.FilterLayer({
name: 'Links',
filter: { link: true },
addLayers[linksLayer.options.name] = linksLayer;
// faction-specific layers
var resistanceLayer = new IITC.filters.FilterLayer({
name: window.TEAM_NAME_RES,
filter: { portal: true, link: true, field: true, data: { team: 'R' } },
var enlightenedLayer = new IITC.filters.FilterLayer({
name: window.TEAM_NAME_ENL,
filter: { portal: true, link: true, field: true, data: { team: 'E' } },
var machinaLayer = new IITC.filters.FilterLayer({
name: window.TEAM_NAME_MAC,
filter: { portal: true, link: true, field: true, data: { team: 'M' } },
// to avoid any favouritism, we'll put the player's own faction layer first
if (PLAYER.team === 'RESISTANCE') {
addLayers[resistanceLayer.options.name] = resistanceLayer;
addLayers[enlightenedLayer.options.name] = enlightenedLayer;
} else {
addLayers[enlightenedLayer.options.name] = enlightenedLayer;
addLayers[resistanceLayer.options.name] = resistanceLayer;
// and just put __MACHINA__ faction last
addLayers[window.TEAM_NAME_MAC] = machinaLayer;
return addLayers;
/* eslint-enable dot-notation */
// to be extended in app.js (or by plugins: `setup.priority = 'boot';`)
window.mapOptions = {
preferCanvas: 'PREFER_CANVAS' in window
: true // default
* Initializes the Leaflet map and configures various map layers and event listeners.
* This function is responsible for setting up the base map,
* including the default basemap tiles (CartoDB, Default Ingress Map, Google Maps),
* and configuring the map's properties such as center, zoom, bounds, and renderer options.
* It also clears the 'Loading, please wait' message from the map container.
* Important functionalities:
* - Adds dummy divs to Leaflet control areas to accommodate IITC UI elements.
* - Creates and adds base layers and overlays to the map.
* - Configures event listeners for map movements, including aborting pending requests and refreshing map data.
* - Manages cookies for map position and zoom level.
* - Handles the 'iitcLoaded' hook to set the initial map view and evaluate URL parameters for portal selection.
* @function setupMap
window.setupMap = function () {
$('#map').text(''); // clear 'Loading, please wait'
var map = L.map('map', L.extend({
// proper initial position is now delayed until all plugins are loaded and the base layer is set
center: [0, 0],
zoom: 1,
crs: L.CRS.S2,
minZoom: window.MIN_ZOOM,
// zoomAnimation: false,
markerZoomAnimation: false,
bounceAtZoomLimits: false,
maxBoundsViscosity: 0.7,
worldCopyJump: true,
}, window.mapOptions));
var max_lat = map.options.crs.projection.MAX_LATITUDE;
map.setMaxBounds([[max_lat, 360], [-max_lat, -360]]);
padding: window.RENDERER_PADDING || 0.5
// add empty div to leaflet control areas - to force other leaflet controls to move around IITC UI elements
// TODO? move the actual IITC DOM into the leaflet control areas, so dummy <div>s aren't needed
if (!isSmartphone()) {
// chat window area
'pointer-events': 'none',
'margin': '0'
var baseLayers = createDefaultBaseMapLayers();
var overlays = createDefaultOverlays();
var layerChooser = window.layerChooser = new window.LayerChooser(baseLayers, overlays, {map: map})
$.each(overlays, function (_, layer) {
if (map.hasLayer(layer)) { return true; } // continue
// as users often become confused if they accidentally switch a standard layer off, display a warning in this case
.html('<div class="layer_off_warning">'
+ '<p><b>Warning</b>: some of the standard layers are turned off. Some portals/links/fields will not be visible.</p>'
+ '<a id="enable_standard_layers">Enable standard layers</a>'
+ '</div>');
$('#enable_standard_layers').on('click', function () {
$.each(overlays, function (ind, overlay) {
if (!map.hasLayer(overlay)) {
return false; // break
window.map = map;
map.on('moveend', function () {
var center = this.getCenter().wrap();
window.writeCookie('ingress.intelmap.lat', center.lat);
window.writeCookie('ingress.intelmap.lng', center.lng);
window.writeCookie('ingress.intelmap.zoom', this.getZoom());
// map update status handling & update map hooks
// ensures order of calls
map.on('movestart', function () {
map.on('moveend', function () {
window.startRefreshTimeout(window.ON_MOVE_REFRESH * 1000);
// set a 'moveend' handler for the map to clear idle state. e.g. after mobile 'my location' is used.
// possibly some cases when resizing desktop browser too
map.on('moveend', window.idleReset);
window.addResumeFunction(function () {
// create the map data requester
window.mapDataRequest = new window.MapDataRequest();
// start the refresh process with a small timeout, so the first data request happens quickly
// (the code originally called the request function directly, and triggered a normal delay for the next refresh.
// however, the moveend/zoomend gets triggered on map load, causing a duplicate refresh. this helps prevent that
// adds a base layer to the map. done separately from the above,
// so that plugins that add base layers can be the default
window.addHook('iitcLoaded', function () {
var stored = layerChooser.getLayer(layerChooser.lastBaseLayerName);
map.addLayer(stored || baseLayers['CartoDB Dark Matter']);
// (setting an initial position, before a base layer is added, causes issues with leaflet) // todo check
var pos = getPosition();
if (!pos) {
pos = {center: [0, 0], zoom: 1};
map.locate({setView: true});
map.setView(pos.center, pos.zoom, {reset: true});
// read here ONCE, so the URL is only evaluated one time after the
// necessary data has been loaded.
var pll = window.getURLParam('pll');
if (pll) {
pll = pll.split(',');
window.urlPortalLL = normLL(pll[0], pll[1]).center;
window.urlPortal = window.getURLParam('pguid');
// todo check
// leaflet no longer ensures the base layer zoom is suitable for the map (a bug? feature change?), so do so here
map.on('baselayerchange', function () {
/* !!This block is commented out as it's unlikely that we still need this workaround in leaflet 1+
// on zoomend, check to see the zoom level is an int, and reset the view if not
// (there's a bug on mobile where zoom levels sometimes end up as fractional levels. this causes the base map to be invisible)
map.on('zoomend', function() {
var z = map.getZoom();
if (z != parseInt(z))
log.warn('Non-integer zoom level at zoomend: '+z+' - trying to fix...');
map.setZoom(parseInt(z), {animate:false});
/* !!This block is commented out as it's unlikely that we still need this workaround in leaflet 1+
// Fix Leaflet: handle touchcancel events in Draggable
L.Draggable.prototype._onDownOrig = L.Draggable.prototype._onDown;
L.Draggable.prototype._onDown = function(e) {
L.Draggable.prototype._onDownOrig.apply(this, arguments);
if(e.type === "touchstart") {
L.DomEvent.on(document, "touchcancel", this._onUp, this);