'use strict';
* Represents a control for selecting layers on the map. It extends the Leaflet's L.Control.Layers class.
* This control not only manages layer visibility but also provides persistence of layer display states between sessions.
* The class has been enhanced with additional options and methods for more flexible layer management.
* @memberof L
* @class LayerChooser
* @extends L.Control.Layers
var LayerChooser = L.Control.Layers.extend({
options: {
* @property {Boolean} sortLayers=true - Ensures stable sort order (based on initial), while still providing
* ability to enforce specific order with `addBaseLayer`/`addOverlay`
* `sortPriority` option.
sortLayers: true,
* @property {Function} sortFunction - A compare function that will be used for sorting the layers,
* when `sortLayers` is `true`. The function receives objects with
* the layer's data.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort
sortFunction: function (A, B) {
var a = A.sortPriority;
var b = B.sortPriority;
return a < b ? -1 : (b < a ? 1 : 0);
* Initializes a new instance of the LayerChooser control.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @method
* @param {L.Layer[]} baseLayers - Array of base layers to include in the chooser.
* @param {L.Layer[]} overlays - Array of overlay layers to include in the chooser.
* @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the LayerChooser control.
initialize: function (baseLayers, overlays, options) {
this._overlayStatus = {};
var layersJSON = localStorage['ingress.intelmap.layergroupdisplayed'];
if (layersJSON) {
try {
this._overlayStatus = JSON.parse(layersJSON);
} catch (e) {
this._mapToAdd = options && options.map;
this.lastBaseLayerName = localStorage['iitc-base-map'];
this._lastPriority = -1000; // initial layers get priority <0
L.Control.Layers.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this._lastPriority = 0; // any following gets >0
_addLayer: function (layer, name, overlay, options) {
options = options || {};
// _chooser property stores layerChooser data after layer removal
// (in case if it's meant to be re-added)
var data = layer._chooser;
if (!data) {
data = {
layer: layer,
// name should be unique, otherwise behavior of other methods is undefined
// (typically: first found will be taken)
name: name,
// label: name,
overlay: overlay,
persistent: 'persistent' in options ? options.persistent : true
} else {
delete layer._chooser;
// provide stable sort order
if ('sortPriority' in options) {
data.sortPriority = options.sortPriority;
} else if (!('sortPriority' in data)) {
this._lastPriority = this._lastPriority + 10;
data.sortPriority = this._lastPriority;
// *** adapted from L.Control.Layers.prototype._addLayer.call(this, layer, name, overlay);
if (this._map) {
layer.on('add remove', this._onLayerChange, this);
if (this.options.sortLayers) {
if (this.options.autoZIndex && layer.setZIndex) {
// ***
if (data.overlay) {
data.default = 'default' in options ? options.default : true;
var map = this._map || this._mapToAdd;
if (!data.persistent) {
if (!data.overlay) { return; }
if ('enable' in options ? options.enable : data.default) {
if (overlay) {
data.statusTracking = function (e) {
this._storeOverlayState(data.name, e.type === 'add');
layer.on('add remove', data.statusTracking, this);
if ('enable' in options) { // do as explicitly specified
map[options.enable ? 'addLayer' : 'removeLayer'](layer);
} else if (layer._map) { // already on map, only store state
this._storeOverlayState(data.name, true);
} else { // restore at recorded state
if (this._isOverlayDisplayed(data.name, data.default)) {
} else {
data.statusTracking = function () {
localStorage['iitc-base-map'] = data.name;
layer.on('add', data.statusTracking);
_addItem: function (obj) {
var labelEl = L.Control.Layers.prototype._addItem.call(this, {
layer: obj.layer,
overlay: obj.overlay,
name: obj.label || obj.name
obj.labelEl = labelEl;
// obj.inputEl = this._layerControlInputs[this._layerControlInputs.length-1];
return labelEl;
* Adds a base layer (radio button entry) with the given name to the control.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @param {L.Layer} layer - The layer to be added.
* @param {String} name - The name of the layer.
* @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the layer entry.
* @param {Boolean} [options.persistent=true] - When set to `false`, the base layer's status is not tracked.
* @param {Number} [options.sortPriority] - Enforces a specific order in the control. Lower value means
* higher position in the list. If not specified, the value
* will be assigned implicitly in an increasing manner.
* @returns {LayerChooser} Returns the `LayerChooser` instance for chaining.
addBaseLayer: function (layer, name, options) {
this._addLayer(layer, name, false, options);
return (this._map) ? this._update() : this;
* Adds an overlay (checkbox entry) with the given name to the control.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @param {L.Layer} layer - The overlay layer to be added.
* @param {String} name - The name of the overlay.
* @param {Object} [options] - Additional options for the overlay entry.
* @param {Boolean} [options.persistent=true] - When `true` (or not specified), the overlay is added to the map
* if its last state was active. If no previous state is recorded,
* the value specified in the `default` option is used.
* When `false`, the overlay status is not tracked,
* but the `default` option is still honored.
* @param {Boolean} [options.default=true] - The default state of the overlay, used only when no record
* of the previous state is found.
* @param {Boolean} [options.enable] - If set, enforces the specified state, ignoring any previously saved state.
* @returns {LayerChooser} Returns the `LayerChooser` instance for chaining.
addOverlay: function (layer, name, options) {
this._addLayer(layer, name, true, options);
return (this._map) ? this._update() : this;
* Removes the given layer from the control.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @param {L.Layer|String} layer - The layer to be removed, either as a Leaflet layer object or its name.
* @param {Object} [options] - Additional options, including `keepOnMap` to keep the layer on the map.
* @returns {LayerChooser} Returns the `LayerChooser` instance for chaining.
removeLayer: function (layer, options) {
layer = this.getLayer(layer);
var data = this.layerInfo(layer);
if (data) {
options = options || {};
if (data.statusTracking) {
data.layer.off('add remove', data.statusTracking, this);
delete data.statusTracking;
L.Control.Layers.prototype.removeLayer.apply(this, arguments);
if (this._map && !options.keepOnMap) {
delete data.labelEl;
// delete data.inputEl;
layer._chooser = data;
} else {
log.warn('Layer not found: ', layer);
return this;
_storeOverlayState: function (name, isDisplayed) {
this._overlayStatus[name] = isDisplayed;
localStorage['ingress.intelmap.layergroupdisplayed'] = JSON.stringify(this._overlayStatus);
_isOverlayDisplayed: function (name, defaultState) {
if (name in this._overlayStatus) {
return this._overlayStatus[name];
return defaultState;
__byName: function (data) {
var name = this.toString();
return data.name === name ||
data.label === name;
__byLayer: function (data) {
return data.layer === this;
__byLabelEl: function (data) {
return data.labelEl === this;
// @method layerInfo(name: String|Layer): Layer
// Returns layer info by it's name in the control, or by layer object itself,
// or label html element.
// Info is internal data object with following properties:
// `layer`, `name`, `label`, `overlay`, `sortPriority`, `persistent`, `default`,
// `labelEl`, `inputEl`, `statusTracking`.
* Retrieves layer info by its name in the control, or by the layer object itself, or its label HTML element.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @param {String|L.Layer|HTMLElement} layer - The name, layer object, or label element of the layer.
* @returns {Object} Layer info object with following properties: `layer`, `name`, `label`, `overlay`, `sortPriority`,
* `persistent`, `default`, `labelEl`, `inputEl`, `statusTracking`.
layerInfo: function (layer) {
var fn = layer instanceof L.Layer ? this.__byLayer
: layer instanceof HTMLElement ? this.__byLabelEl
: this.__byName;
return this._layers.find(fn, layer);
* Returns the Leaflet layer object based on its name in the control, or the layer object itself,
* or its label HTML element. The latter can be used to ensure the layer is in layerChooser.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @param {String|L.Layer|HTMLElement} layer - The name, layer object, or label element of the layer.
* @returns {L.Layer} The corresponding Leaflet layer object.
getLayer: function (layer) {
var data = this.layerInfo(layer);
return data && data.layer;
* Shows or hides a specified basemap or overlay layer. The layer can be specified by its ID, name, or layer object.
* If the display parameter is not provided, the layer will be shown by default.
* When showing a base layer, it ensures that no other base layers are displayed at the same time.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @param {L.Layer|String|Number} layer - The layer to show or hide. This can be a Leaflet layer object,
* a layer name, or a layer ID.
* @param {Boolean} [display=true] - Pass `false` to hide the layer, or `true`/omit to show it.
* @returns {LayerChooser} Returns the `LayerChooser` instance for chaining.
showLayer: function (layer, display) {
var data = this._layers[layer]; // layer is index, private use only
if (!data) {
data = this.layerInfo(layer);
if (!data) {
log.warn('Layer not found: ', layer);
return this;
var map = this._map;
if (display || arguments.length === 1) {
if (!map.hasLayer(data.layer)) {
if (!data.overlay) {
// if it's a base layer, remove any others
this._layers.forEach(function (el) {
if (!el.overlay && el.layer !== data.layer) {
} else {
return this;
* Sets the label of a layer in the control.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @param {String|L.Layer} layer - The name or layer object.
* @param {String} [label] - The label text (HTML allowed) to set. Resets to original name if not provided.
* @returns {LayerChooser} Returns the `LayerChooser` instance for chaining.
setLabel: function (layer, label) {
var data = this.layerInfo(layer);
if (!data) {
log.warn('Layer not found: ', layer);
return this;
data.label = label;
var nameEl = data.labelEl.querySelector('span');
nameEl.innerHTML = ' ' + label;
return this;
_onLongClick: function (data, originalEvent) {
var defaultPrevented;
// @miniclass LayersControlInteractionEvent (LayerChooser)
// @inherits Event
// @property layer: L.Layer
// The layer that was interacted in LayerChooser control.
// @property control: LayerChooser
// LayerChooser control instance (just handy shortcut for window.layerChooser).
// @property data: Object
// Internal data object TODO
// @property originalEvent: DOMEvent
// The original mouse/jQuery event that triggered this Leaflet event.
// @method preventDefault: Function
// Method to prevent default action of event (like overlays toggling), otherwise handled by layerChooser.
var obj = {
control: this,
data: data,
originalEvent: originalEvent || {type: 'taphold'},
preventDefault: function () {
defaultPrevented = true;
this.defaultPrevented = true;
// @namespace Layer
// @section Layers control interaction events
// Fired when the overlay's label is long-clicked in the layers control.
// @section Layers control interaction events
// @event longclick: LayersControlInteractionEvent
// Fired on layer
data.layer.fire('longclick', obj);
if (!defaultPrevented) {
// @namespace LayerChooser
// adds listeners to the overlays list to make inputs toggleable.
_initLayout: function () {
$(this._overlaysList).on('click taphold', 'label', function (e) {
if (!(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.altKey || e.type === 'taphold')) {
// e.preventDefault(); // seems no effect
var labelEl = e.target.closest('label');
this._onLongClick(this.layerInfo(labelEl), e);
_filterOverlays: function (data) {
return data.overlay &&
['DEBUG Data Tiles', 'Resistance', 'Enlightened'].indexOf(data.name) === -1;
// Hides all the control's overlays except given one,
// or restores all, if it was the only one displayed (or none was displayed).
_toggleOverlay: function (data) {
if (!data || !data.overlay) {
log.warn('Overlay not found: ', data);
var map = this._map;
var isChecked = map.hasLayer(data.layer);
var checked = 0;
var overlays = this._layers.filter(this._filterOverlays);
overlays.forEach(function (el) {
if (map.hasLayer(el.layer)) { checked++; }
if (checked === 0 || isChecked && checked === 1) {
// if nothing is selected, or specified overlay is exclusive,
// assume all boxes should be checked again
overlays.forEach(function (el) {
if (el.default) {
} else {
// uncheck all, check specified
overlays.forEach(function (el) {
if (el.layer === data.layer) {
} else {
_stripHtmlTags: function (str) {
return str.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ''); // https://css-tricks.com/snippets/javascript/strip-html-tags-in-javascript/
* Retrieves the current state of base and overlay layers managed by this control.
* This method is deprecated and should be used with caution.
* The method returns an object with two properties: 'baseLayers' and 'overlayLayers'.
* Each array contains objects representing the respective layers with properties: 'layerId', 'name', and 'active'.
* 'layerId' is an internal identifier for the layer, 'name' is the layer's name, and 'active' is a boolean indicating
* if the layer is currently active on the map.
* @memberof LayerChooser
* @deprecated
* @returns {{overlayLayers: Array, baseLayers: Array}} An object containing arrays of base and overlay layers.
getLayers: function () {
var baseLayers = [];
var overlayLayers = [];
this._layers.forEach(function (data, idx) {
(data.overlay ? overlayLayers : baseLayers).push({
layerId: idx,
name: this._stripHtmlTags(data.label || data.name), // IITCm does not support html in layers labels
active: this._map.hasLayer(data.layer)
}, this);
return {
baseLayers: baseLayers,
overlayLayers: overlayLayers
window.LayerChooser = LayerChooser;
// contains current status(on/off) of overlay layerGroups.
// !!deprecated: use `map.hasLayer` instead (https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-haslayer)
window.overlayStatus = {}; // to be set in constructor
// Reads recorded layerGroup status (as it may not be added to map yet),
// return `defaultDisplay` if no record found.
// !!deprecated: for most use cases prefer `getLayer()` method
// or `map.hasLayer` (https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-haslayer)
// window.isLayerGroupDisplayed = function (name, defaultDisplay) { // ...
window.isLayerGroupDisplayed = L.Util.falseFn; // to be set in constructor
LayerChooser.addInitHook(function () {
window.overlayStatus = this._overlayStatus;
window.isLayerGroupDisplayed = this._isOverlayDisplayed.bind(this);
// !!deprecated: use `layerChooser.addOverlay` directly
window.addLayerGroup = function (name, layerGroup, defaultDisplay) {
var options = {default: defaultDisplay};
if (arguments.length < 3) { options = undefined; }
window.layerChooser.addOverlay(layerGroup, name, options);
// !!deprecated: use `layerChooser.removeLayer` directly
// our method differs from inherited (https://leafletjs.com/reference.html#control-layers-removelayer),
// as (by default) layer is removed from the map as well, see description for more details.
window.removeLayerGroup = function (layerGroup) {