 * @file Decode the on-network array entity format into an object format closer to that used before
 * makes much more sense as an object, means that existing code didn't need to change, and it's what the
 * stock intel site does internally too (the array format is only on the network)
 * @module entity_decode

 * @namespace window.decodeArray
window.decodeArray = function(){};

 * Parses a mod array into an object.
 * @function parseMod
 * @param {Array} arr - The mod array.
 * @returns {Object|null} Parsed mod object or null if the input is falsy.
function parseMod(arr) {
  if (!arr) { return null; }
  return {
    owner: arr[0],
    name: arr[1],
    rarity: arr[2],
    stats: arr[3],

 * Parses a resonator array into an object.
 * @function parseResonator
 * @param {Array} arr - The resonator array.
 * @returns {Object|null} Parsed resonator object or null if the input is falsy.
function parseResonator(arr) {
  if (!arr) { return null; }
  return {
    owner: arr[0],
    level: arr[1],
    energy: arr[2],

 * Parses an artifact brief array into an object.
 * @function parseArtifactBrief
 * @param {Array} arr - The artifact brief array.
 * @returns {Object|null} Parsed artifact brief object or null if the input is falsy.
function parseArtifactBrief(arr) {
  if (!arr) { return null; }

  // array index 0 is for fragments at the portal. index 1 is for target portals
  // each of those is two dimensional - not sure why. part of this is to allow for multiple types of artifacts,
  // with their own targets, active at once - but one level for the array is enough for that

  // making a guess - first level is for different artifact types, second index would allow for
  // extra data for that artifact type

  function decodeArtifactArray(arr) {
    var result = {};
    for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
      // we'll use the type as the key - and store any additional array values as the value
      // that will be an empty array for now, so only object keys are useful data
      result[arr[i][0]] = arr[i].slice(1);
    return result;

  return {
    fragment: decodeArtifactArray(arr[0]),
    target: decodeArtifactArray(arr[1]),

 * Parses an artifact detail array into an object.
 * @function parseArtifactDetail
 * @param {Array} arr - The artifact detail array.
 * @returns {Object|null} Parsed artifact detail object or null if the input is falsy.
function parseArtifactDetail(arr) {
  if (!arr) { return null; }
  // empty artifact data is pointless - ignore it
  if (arr.length === 3 && arr[0] === '' && arr[1] === '' && arr[2].length === 0) {
    return null;
  return {
    type: arr[0],
    displayName: arr[1],
    fragments: arr[2],

 * Parses a history detail bit array into an object.
 * @function parseHistoryDetail
 * @param {number} bitarray - The history detail bit array.
 * @returns {Object} Parsed history detail object.
function parseHistoryDetail(bitarray) {
  return {
    _raw: bitarray,
    visited:  !!(bitarray & 1),
    captured: !!(bitarray & 2),
    scoutControlled:  !!(bitarray & 4),

//there's also a 'placeholder' portal - generated from the data in links/fields. only has team/lat/lng


 * Parses the core portal data from an array.
 * @function corePortalData
 * @param {Array} a - The portal data array.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the core data of a portal.
function corePortalData(a) {
  return {
    // a[0] == type (always 'p')
    team:          a[1],
    latE6:         a[2],
    lngE6:         a[3]


 * Parses the summary portal data from an array.
 * @function summaryPortalData
 * @param {Array} a - The portal data array.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the summary data of a portal.
function summaryPortalData(a) {
  return {
    level:         a[4],
    health:        a[5],
    resCount:      a[6],
    image:         a[7],
    title:         a[8],
    ornaments:     a[9],
    mission:       a[10],
    mission50plus: a[11],
    artifactBrief: parseArtifactBrief(a[12]),
    timestamp:     a[13]

 * Parses the detailed portal data from an array.
 * @function detailsPortalData
 * @param {Array} a - The portal data array.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the detailed data of a portal.
function detailsPortalData(a) {
  return {
    mods:           a[SUMMARY_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH+0].map(parseMod),
    resonators:     a[SUMMARY_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH+1].map(parseResonator),
    owner:          a[SUMMARY_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH+2],
    artifactDetail: parseArtifactDetail(a[SUMMARY_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH+3])

 * Parses the extended portal data from an array.
 * @function extendedPortalData
 * @param {Array} a - The portal data array.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the extended data of a portal.
function extendedPortalData(a) {
  return {
    history: parseHistoryDetail(a[DETAILED_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH] || 0),

window.decodeArray.dataLen = {

 * Decodes an array of portal data into a more detailed object format.
 * @function window.decodeArray.portal
 * @param {Array} a - Array containing portal data.
 * @param {string} [details='anyknown'] - The level of detail to decode.
 *                                        Can be 'core', 'summary', 'detailed', 'extended', or 'anyknown'.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing decoded portal data.
window.decodeArray.portal = function(a, details) {
  if (!a) {
    log.warn('Argument not specified');

  if (a[0] !== 'p') {
    throw new Error('decodeArray.portal: not a portal');

  details = details || 'anyknown';
  var expected = decodeArray.dataLen[details];
  if (expected.indexOf(a.length) === -1) {
    log.warn('Unexpected portal data length: ' + a.length + ' (' + details + ')');

  var data = corePortalData(a);

  if (a.length >= SUMMARY_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH) {
    $.extend(data, summaryPortalData(a));

  if (a.length >= DETAILED_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH) {
      $.extend(data, detailsPortalData(a));
    } else if (details === 'detailed') {
      log.warn('Portal details missing');

  if (a.length >= EXTENDED_PORTAL_DATA_LENGTH || details === 'extended' || details === 'detailed') {
    $.extend(data, extendedPortalData(a));
    if (data.history && data.history.captured && !data.history.visited) {
      log.warn('Inconsistent history data found in portal "' + data.title + '"');

  return data;

window.decodeArray.portalSummary = function(a) { // deprecated!!
  return window.decodeArray.portal(a, 'summary');

window.decodeArray.portalDetail = function(a) { // deprecated!!
  return window.decodeArray.portal(a, 'detailed');