/* global script_info, app, log, L */
* @file This file contains functions related to the 'About IITC' dialog.
* @module dialog_about
* Displays the 'About IITC' dialog.
* This dialog includes the IITC version, a list of loaded plugins, and other relevant information.
* @function
window.aboutIITC = function() {
var html = createDialogContent();
title: 'IITC ' + getIITCVersion(),
id: 'iitc-about',
html: html,
width: 'auto',
dialogClass: 'ui-dialog-aboutIITC'
* Creates the content for the 'About IITC' dialog.
* @function
* @returns {string} HTML content for the about dialog.
function createDialogContent() {
var html = `<div><b>About IITC</b></div>
<div>Ingress Intel Total Conversion</div>
<a href="${'@url_homepage@'}" target="_blank">IITC Homepage</a> |
<a href="${'@url_tg@'}" target="_blank">Telegram channel</a><br />
On the script’s homepage you can:
<li>Find Updates</li>
<li>Get Plugins</li>
<li>Report Bugs</li>
<div>Version: ${getIITCVersion()} ${createChangelog(window.script_info)}</div>`;
if (isShortOnLocalStorage()) {
html += '<div class="warning">You are running low on LocalStorage memory.<br/>Please free some space to prevent data loss.</div>';
if (window.isApp && app.getVersionName) {
html += '<div>IITC Mobile ' + app.getVersionName() + '</div>';
var plugins = getPlugins();
if (plugins) {
html += '<div><p>Plugins:</p><ul>' + plugins + '</ul></div>';
return html;
* Retrieves a list of plugins currently loaded in IITC. The list includes plugin names, versions, and descriptions.
* @function
* @returns {string} Formatted list of plugins in HTML.
function getPlugins() {
var pluginsInfo = window.bootPlugins.info;
while (window.bootPlugins[0]) {
var plugin = window.bootPlugins.shift();
pluginsInfo.push(plugin.info || {});
var extra = getIITCVersionAddition();
var plugins = pluginsInfo.map(convertPluginInfo)
.sort(function (a, b) { return a.name > b.name ? 1 : -1; })
.map(function (p) { return pluginInfoToString(p, extra); })
return plugins;
* Converts plugin information into a structured object for easier processing.
* @function
* @param {Object} info - The plugin information object.
* @param {number} index - The index of the plugin in the array.
* @returns {Object} Structured plugin information.
function convertPluginInfo(info, index) {
// Plugins metadata come from 2 sources:
// - buildName, pluginId, dateTimeVersion: inserted in plugin body by build script
// (only standard plugins)
// - script.name/version/description: from GM_info object, passed to wrapper
// `script` may be not available if userscript manager does not provede GM_info
// (atm: IITC-Mobile for iOS)
var result = {
build: info.buildName,
changelog: info.changelog,
id: info.pluginId,
name: info.pluginId,
date: info.dateTimeVersion,
error: info.error,
version: undefined,
description: undefined
var script = info.script;
if (script) {
if (typeof script.name === 'string') {
result.name = script.name.replace(/^IITC[\s-]+plugin:\s+/i, ''); // cut non-informative name part
result.version = script.version;
result.description = script.description;
if (!result.name) {
if (script_info.script) { // check if GM_info is available
result.name = '[unknown plugin: index ' + index + ']';
result.description = "this plugin does not have proper wrapper; report to it's author";
} else { // userscript manager fault
result.name = '[3rd-party plugin: index ' + index + ']';
return result;
* Creates a changelog section for a given plugin.
* @function
* @param {Object} plugin - The plugin for which to create the changelog.
* @returns {string} HTML string representing the changelog.
function createChangelog(plugin) {
var id = 'plugin-changelog-' + plugin.id;
return (
`<a onclick="$('#${id}').toggle()">changelog</a>` +
`<ul id="${id}" style="display: none;">` +
.map(function (logEntry) {
return (
'<li>' +
logEntry.version +
'<ul>' +
.map(function (change) {
return `<li>${change}</li>`;
.join('') +
.join('') +
* Converts plugin information into a string format suitable for display in the 'About IITC' dialog.
* @function
* @param {Object} p - The plugin information object.
* @param {string} extra - Additional version information.
* @returns {string} Formatted plugin information string.
function pluginInfoToString(p, extra) {
var info = {
changelog: '',
class: '',
description: p.description || '',
name: p.name,
verinfo: formatVerInfo(p, extra)
if (isStandardPlugin(p)) {
info.class += 'plugin-is-standard';
if (p.error) {
info.class += ' plugin-error';
info.description = p.error;
if (p.changelog) {
info.changelog = createChangelog(p);
return L.Util.template('<li class="{class}" title="{description}">{name}{verinfo} {changelog}</li>', info);
* Checks if a given plugin is a standard plugin based on the build name and date.
* Standard plugins are those that match the build and date of the main IITC script.
* @function
* @param {Object} plugin - The plugin object to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if the plugin is standard, false otherwise.
function isStandardPlugin(plugin) {
return (plugin.build === script_info.buildName && plugin.date === script_info.dateTimeVersion);
* Retrieves the IITC version string.
* @function
* @returns {string} The IITC version string.
function getIITCVersion() {
var iitc = script_info;
return (iitc.script && iitc.script.version || iitc.dateTimeVersion) + ' [' + iitc.buildName + ']';
* Extracts the additional version information from the IITC script version.
* @function
* @returns {string} The additional version information, if any.
function getIITCVersionAddition() {
var extra = script_info.script && script_info.script.version.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\..+)$/);
return extra && extra[1];
* Formats version information for plugins and the main script.
* If an 'extra' parameter is provided and matches the end of the version string, it is removed.
* This is used to cut off a common timestamp appended to versions.
* The function also prepares a tooltip showing the build number and date, if available.
* @function formatVerInfo
* @param {Object} p - The plugin or script object containing version information.
* @param {string} [extra] - An optional extra string to be removed from the version information.
* @returns {string} Formatted version string with optional HTML tooltip.
function formatVerInfo(p, extra) {
if (p.version && extra) {
var cutPos = p.version.length - extra.length;
// cut extra version component (timestamp) if it is equal to main script's one
if (p.version.substring(cutPos) === extra) {
p.version = p.version.substring(0,cutPos);
p.version = p.version || p.date;
if (p.version) {
var tooltip = [];
if (p.build) { tooltip.push('[' + p.build + ']'); }
if (p.date && p.date !== p.version) { tooltip.push(p.date); }
return L.Util.template(' - <code{title}>{version}</code>', {
title: tooltip[0] ? ' title="' + tooltip.join(' ') + '"' : '',
version: p.version
return '';
* Checks if the browser's local storage is running short on available space.
* This function tries to write a specific amount of data to the local storage and captures any errors.
* If an error occurs, it is an indication that the local storage has limited free space left.
* @function
* @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the local storage is running short on space, otherwise `false`.
function isShortOnLocalStorage() {
var MINIMUM_FREE_SPACE = 100000;
try {
localStorage.setItem('_MEM_CHECK_', '#'.repeat(MINIMUM_FREE_SPACE));
} catch (e) {
log.error('out of localstorage space', e);
return true;
return false;