* @file Namespace for chat-related functionalities.
* @module chat
var chat = function () {};
window.chat = chat;
// List of functions to track for synchronization between chat and comm
const legacyFunctions = [
const newCommApi = [
// Function to map legacy function names to their new names in comm
function mapLegacyFunctionNameToCommApi(functionName) {
const index = legacyFunctions.indexOf(functionName);
return index !== -1 ? newCommApi[index] : functionName;
// Create a proxy for chat to ensure backward compatibility of migrated functions from chat to comm
window.chat = new Proxy(window.chat, {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (prop in target) {
// Return the property from chat if it's defined
return target[prop];
} else if (legacyFunctions.includes(prop)) {
// Map the legacy function name to its new name in comm and return the corresponding function
const commProp = mapLegacyFunctionNameToCommApi(prop);
return window.IITC.comm[commProp];
// Return default value if the property is not found
return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);
set(target, prop, value) {
if (legacyFunctions.includes(prop)) {
// Map the legacy function name to its new name in comm and synchronize the function between chat and comm
const commProp = mapLegacyFunctionNameToCommApi(prop);
window.IITC.comm[commProp] = value;
// Update or add the property in chat
target[prop] = value;
return true; // Indicates that the assignment was successful
// common
* Adds a nickname to the chat input.
* @function addNickname
* @param {string} nick - The nickname to add.
chat.addNickname = function (nick) {
var c = document.getElementById('chattext');
c.value = [c.value.trim(), nick].join(' ').trim() + ' ';
* Handles click events on nicknames in the chat.
* @function nicknameClicked
* @param {Event} event - The click event.
* @param {string} nickname - The clicked nickname.
* @returns {boolean} Always returns false.
chat.nicknameClicked = function (event, nickname) {
// suppress @ if coming from chat
if (nickname.startsWith('@')) {
nickname = nickname.slice(1);
var hookData = { event: event, nickname: nickname };
if (window.runHooks('nicknameClicked', hookData)) {
chat.addNickname('@' + nickname);
return false;
// Channels
// 'all' 'faction' and 'alerts' channels are hard coded in several places (including mobile app)
// dont change those channels since they refer to stock channels
// you can add channels from another source provider (message relay, logging from plugins...)
* Hold channel description
* See comm.js for examples
* @typedef {Object} ChannelDescription
* @property {string} id - uniq id, matches 'tab' parameter for server requests
* @property {string} name - visible name
* @property {string} [inputPrompt] - (optional) string for the input prompt
* @property {string} [inputClass] - (optional) class to apply to #chatinput
* @property {ChannelSendMessageFn} [sendMessage] - (optional) function to send the message
* @property {ChannelRequestFn} [request] - (optional) function to call to request new message
* @property {ChannelRenderFn} [render] - (optional) function to render channel content,, called on tab change
* @property {boolean} [localBounds] - (optional) if true, reset on view change
* @callback ChannelSendMessageFn
* @param {string} id - channel id
* @param {string} message - input message
* @returns {void}
* @callback ChannelRequestFn
* @param {string} id - channel id
* @param {boolean} getOlderMsgs - true if request data from a scroll to top
* @param {boolean} isRetry
* @returns {void}
* @callback ChannelRenderFn
* @param {string} id - channel id
* @param {boolean} oldMsgsWereAdded - true if data has been added at the top (to preserve scroll position)
* @returns {void}
* Holds channels infos.
* @type {ChannelDescription[]}
* @memberof module:chat
chat.channels = [];
* Gets the name of the active chat tab.
* @function getActive
* @returns {string} The name of the active chat tab.
chat.getActive = function () {
return $('#chatcontrols .active').data('channel');
* Converts a chat tab name to its corresponding channel object.
* @function getChannelDesc
* @param {string} tab - The name of the chat tab.
* @returns {ChannelDescription} The corresponding channel name ('faction', 'alerts', or 'all').
chat.getChannelDesc = function (tab) {
var channelObject = null;
chat.channels.forEach(function (entry) {
if (entry.id === tab) channelObject = entry;
return channelObject;
* Allows plugins to request and monitor COMM data streams in the background. This is useful for plugins
* that need to process COMM data even when the user is not actively viewing the COMM channels.
* It tracks the requested channels for each plugin instance and updates the global state accordingly.
* @function backgroundChannelData
* @param {string} instance - A unique identifier for the plugin or instance requesting background COMM data.
* @param {string} channel - The name of the COMM channel ('all', 'faction', or 'alerts').
* @param {boolean} flag - Set to true to request data for the specified channel, false to stop requesting.
chat.backgroundChannelData = function (instance, channel, flag) {
// first, store the state for this instance
if (!chat.backgroundInstanceChannel) chat.backgroundInstanceChannel = {};
if (!chat.backgroundInstanceChannel[instance]) chat.backgroundInstanceChannel[instance] = {};
chat.backgroundInstanceChannel[instance][channel] = flag;
// now, to simplify the request code, merge the flags for all instances into one
// 1. clear existing overall flags
chat.backgroundChannels = {};
// 2. for each instance monitoring COMM...
$.each(chat.backgroundInstanceChannel, function (instance) {
// 3. and for each channel monitored by this instance...
$.each(chat.backgroundInstanceChannel[instance], function (channel, flag) {
// 4. if it's monitored, set the channel flag
if (flag) chat.backgroundChannels[channel] = true;
* Requests chat messages for the currently active chat tab and background channels.
* It calls the appropriate request function based on the active tab or background channels.
* @function request
chat.request = function () {
var channel = chat.getActive();
chat.channels.forEach(function (entry) {
if (channel === entry.id || (chat.backgroundChannels && chat.backgroundChannels[entry.id])) {
if (entry.request) entry.request(entry.id, false);
* Checks if the currently selected chat tab needs more messages.
* This function is triggered by scroll events and loads older messages when the user scrolls to the top.
* @function needMoreMessages
chat.needMoreMessages = function () {
var activeTab = chat.getActive();
var channel = chat.getChannelDesc(activeTab);
if (!channel || !channel.request) return;
var activeChat = $('#chat > :visible');
if (activeChat.length === 0) return;
var hasScrollbar = window.scrollBottom(activeChat) !== 0 || activeChat.scrollTop() !== 0;
var nearTop = activeChat.scrollTop() <= window.CHAT_REQUEST_SCROLL_TOP;
if (hasScrollbar && !nearTop) return;
channel.request(channel.id, false);
* Chooses and activates a specified chat tab.
* Also triggers an early refresh of the chat data when switching tabs.
* @function chooseTab
* @param {string} tab - The name of the chat tab to activate ('all', 'faction', or 'alerts').
chat.chooseTab = function (tab) {
if (
chat.channels.every(function (entry) {
return entry.id !== tab;
) {
var tabsAvalaible = chat.channels
.map(function (entry) {
return '"' + entry.id + '"';
.join(', ');
log.warn('chat tab "' + tab + '" requested - but only ' + tabsAvalaible + ' are valid - assuming "all" wanted');
tab = 'all';
var oldTab = chat.getActive();
localStorage['iitc-chat-tab'] = tab;
var oldChannel = chat.getChannelDesc(oldTab);
var channel = chat.getChannelDesc(tab);
var chatInput = $('#chatinput');
if (oldChannel && oldChannel.inputClass) chatInput.removeClass(oldChannel.inputClass);
if (channel.inputClass) chatInput.addClass(channel.inputClass);
var mark = $('#chatinput mark');
mark.text(channel.inputPrompt || '');
$('#chatcontrols .active').removeClass('active');
$("#chatcontrols a[data-channel='" + tab + "']").addClass('active');
if (tab !== oldTab) window.startRefreshTimeout(0.1 * 1000); // only chat uses the refresh timer stuff, so a perfect way of forcing an early refresh after a tab change
$('#chat > div').hide();
var elm = $('#chat' + tab);
if (channel.render) channel.render(tab);
if (elm.data('needsScrollTop')) {
elm.data('ignoreNextScroll', true);
elm.data('needsScrollTop', null);
* Toggles the chat window between expanded and collapsed states.
* When expanded, the chat window covers a larger area of the screen.
* This function also ensures that the chat is scrolled to the bottom when collapsed.
* @function toggle
chat.toggle = function () {
var c = $('#chat, #chatcontrols');
if (c.hasClass('expand')) {
var div = $('#chat > div:visible');
div.data('ignoreNextScroll', true);
div.scrollTop(99999999); // scroll to bottom
} else {
* Displays the chat interface and activates a specified chat tab.
* @function show
* @param {string} name - The name of the chat tab to show and activate.
chat.show = function (name) {
if (window.isSmartphone()) {
} else {
$('#chat, #chatinput').show();
* Chat tab chooser handler.
* This function is triggered by a click event on the chat tab. It reads the tab name from the event target
* and activates the corresponding chat tab.
* @function chooser
* @param {Event} event - The event triggered by clicking a chat tab.
chat.chooser = function (event) {
var t = $(event.target);
var tab = t.data('channel');
* Maintains the scroll position of a chat box when new messages are added.
* This function is designed to keep the scroll position fixed when old messages are loaded, and to automatically scroll
* to the bottom when new messages are added if the user is already at the bottom of the chat.
* @function keepScrollPosition
* @param {jQuery} box - The jQuery object of the chat box.
* @param {number} scrollBefore - The scroll position before new messages were added.
* @param {boolean} isOldMsgs - Indicates if the added messages are older messages.
chat.keepScrollPosition = function (box, scrollBefore, isOldMsgs) {
// If scrolled down completely, keep it that way so new messages can
// be seen easily. If scrolled up, only need to fix scroll position
// when old messages are added. New messages added at the bottom don’t
// change the view and enabling this would make the chat scroll down
// for every added message, even if the user wants to read old stuff.
if (box.is(':hidden') && !isOldMsgs) {
box.data('needsScrollTop', 99999999);
if (scrollBefore === 0 || isOldMsgs) {
box.data('ignoreNextScroll', true);
box.scrollTop(box.scrollTop() + (window.scrollBottom(box) - scrollBefore));
* Create and insert into the DOM/Mobile app the channel tab
* @function createChannelTab
* @memberof chat
* @param {ChannelDescription} channelDesc - channel description
* @static
function createChannelTab(channelDesc) {
var chatControls = $('#chatcontrols');
var chatDiv = $('#chat');
var accessLink = L.Util.template('<a data-channel="{id}" accesskey="{index}" title="[{index}]">{name}</a>', channelDesc);
var channelDiv = L.Util.template('<div id="chat{id}"><table></table></div>', channelDesc);
var elm = $(channelDiv).appendTo(chatDiv);
if (channelDesc.request) {
elm.scroll(function () {
var t = $(this);
if (t.data('ignoreNextScroll')) return t.data('ignoreNextScroll', false);
if (t.scrollTop() < window.CHAT_REQUEST_SCROLL_TOP) channelDesc.request(channelDesc.id, true);
if (window.scrollBottom(t) === 0) channelDesc.request(channelDesc.id, false);
// pane
if (window.useAndroidPanes()) {
// exlude hard coded panes
if (channelDesc.id !== 'all' && channelDesc.id !== 'faction' && channelDesc.id !== 'alerts') {
app.addPane(channelDesc.id, channelDesc.name, 'ic_action_view_as_list');
var isTabsSetup = false;
* Add to the channel list a new channel description
* If tabs are already created, a tab is created for this channel as well
* @function addChannel
* @param {ChannelDescription} channelDesc - channel description
chat.addChannel = function (channelDesc) {
// deny reserved name
if (channelDesc.id === 'info' || channelDesc.id === 'map') {
log.warn('could not add channel "' + channelDesc.id + '": reserved');
return false;
if (chat.getChannelDesc(channelDesc.id)) {
log.warn('could not add channel "' + channelDesc.id + '": already exist');
return false;
channelDesc.index = chat.channels.length;
if (isTabsSetup) createChannelTab(channelDesc);
return true;
// setup
* Sets up all channels starting from intel COMM
* @function setupTabs
* @param {ChannelDescription} channelDesc - channel description
chat.setupTabs = function () {
isTabsSetup = true;
// insert at the begining the comm channels
chat.channels.splice(0, 0, ...IITC.comm.channels);
chat.channels.forEach(function (entry, i) {
entry.index = i + 1;
// legacy compatibility
chat._public = IITC.comm._channelsData.all;
chat._faction = IITC.comm._channelsData.faction;
chat._alerts = IITC.comm._channelsData.alerts;
* Initiates a request for public chat data.
* @function requestPublic
* @param {boolean} getOlderMsgs - Whether to retrieve older messages.
* @param {boolean} [isRetry=false] - Whether the request is a retry.
chat.requestPublic = function (getOlderMsgs, isRetry) {
return IITC.comm.requestChannel('all', getOlderMsgs, isRetry);
* Requests faction chat messages.
* @function requestFaction
* @param {boolean} getOlderMsgs - Flag to determine if older messages are being requested.
* @param {boolean} [isRetry=false] - Flag to indicate if this is a retry attempt.
chat.requestFaction = function (getOlderMsgs, isRetry) {
return IITC.comm.requestChannel('faction', getOlderMsgs, isRetry);
* Initiates a request for alerts chat data.
* @function requestAlerts
* @param {boolean} getOlderMsgs - Whether to retrieve older messages.
* @param {boolean} [isRetry=false] - Whether the request is a retry.
chat.requestAlerts = function (getOlderMsgs, isRetry) {
return IITC.comm.requestChannel('alerts', getOlderMsgs, isRetry);
* Renders public chat in the UI.
* @function renderPublic
* @param {boolean} oldMsgsWereAdded - Indicates if older messages were added to the chat.
chat.renderPublic = function (oldMsgsWereAdded) {
return IITC.comm.renderChannel('all', oldMsgsWereAdded);
* Renders faction chat.
* @function renderFaction
* @param {boolean} oldMsgsWereAdded - Indicates if old messages were added in the current rendering.
chat.renderFaction = function (oldMsgsWereAdded) {
return IITC.comm.renderChannel('faction', oldMsgsWereAdded);
* Renders alerts chat in the UI.
* @function renderAlerts
* @param {boolean} oldMsgsWereAdded - Indicates if older messages were added to the chat.
chat.renderAlerts = function (oldMsgsWereAdded) {
return IITC.comm.renderChannel('allerts', oldMsgsWereAdded);
* Sets up the chat interface.
* @function setup
chat.setup = function () {
if (localStorage['iitc-chat-tab']) {
$('#chatcontrols, #chat, #chatinput').show();
$('#chatcontrols a:first').click(chat.toggle);
$('#chatinput').click(function () {
$('#chatinput input').focus();
var cls = PLAYER.team === 'RESISTANCE' ? 'res' : 'enl';
$('#chatinput mark').addClass(cls);
$(document).on('click', '.nickname', function (event) {
return chat.nicknameClicked(event, $(this).text());
* Sets up the time display in the chat input box.
* This function updates the time displayed next to the chat input field every minute to reflect the current time.
* @function setupTime
chat.setupTime = function () {
var inputTime = $('#chatinput time');
var updateTime = function () {
if (window.isIdle()) return;
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours() + '';
if (h.length === 1) h = '0' + h;
var m = d.getMinutes() + '';
if (m.length === 1) m = '0' + m;
inputTime.text(h + ':' + m);
// update ON the minute (1ms after)
setTimeout(updateTime, (60 - d.getSeconds()) * 1000 + 1);
// posting
* Handles tab completion in chat input.
* @function handleTabCompletion
chat.handleTabCompletion = function () {
var el = $('#chatinput input');
var curPos = el.get(0).selectionStart;
var text = el.val();
var word = text
.slice(0, curPos)
.replace(/.*\b([a-z0-9-_])/, '$1')
var list = $('#chat > div:visible mark');
list = list.map(function (ind, mark) {
return $(mark).text();
list = window.uniqueArray(list);
var nick = null;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (!list[i].toLowerCase().startsWith(word)) continue;
if (nick && nick !== list[i]) {
log.warn('More than one nick matches, aborting. (' + list[i] + ' vs ' + nick + ')');
nick = list[i];
if (!nick) {
var posStart = curPos - word.length;
var newText = text.substring(0, posStart);
var atPresent = text.substring(posStart - 1, posStart) === '@';
newText += (atPresent ? '' : '@') + nick + ' ';
newText += text.substring(curPos);
* Posts a chat message to the currently active chat tab.
* @function postMsg
chat.postMsg = function () {
var c = chat.getActive();
var channel = chat.getChannelDesc(c);
var msg = $.trim($('#chatinput input').val());
if (!msg || msg === '') return;
if (channel.sendMessage) {
$('#chatinput input').val('');
return channel.sendMessage(c, msg);
* Sets up the chat message posting functionality.
* @function setupPosting
chat.setupPosting = function () {
if (!window.isSmartphone()) {
$('#chatinput input').keydown(function (event) {
try {
var kc = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which;
if (kc === 13) {
// enter
} else if (kc === 9) {
// tab
} catch (e) {
// if (e.stack) { console.error(e.stack); }
$('#chatinput').submit(function (event) {
* Legacy function for rendering chat messages. Used for backward compatibility with plugins.
* @deprecated
* @function renderMsg
* @param {string} msg - The chat message.
* @param {string} nick - The nickname of the player who sent the message.
* @param {number} time - The timestamp of the message.
* @param {string} team - The team of the player who sent the message.
* @param {boolean} msgToPlayer - Flag indicating if the message is directed to the player.
* @param {boolean} systemNarrowcast - Flag indicating if the message is a system narrowcast.
* @returns {string} The HTML string representing a chat message row.
chat.renderMsg = function (msg, nick, time, team, msgToPlayer, systemNarrowcast) {
// Imitating data usually derived from processing raw chat data
var fakeData = {
guid: 'legacyguid-' + Math.random(),
time: time,
public: !systemNarrowcast,
secure: systemNarrowcast,
alert: msgToPlayer,
msgToPlayer: msgToPlayer,
type: systemNarrowcast ? 'SYSTEM_NARROWCAST' : 'PLAYER_GENERATED',
narrowcast: systemNarrowcast,
auto: false, // Assuming the message is player-generated if it's not a system broadcast
team: team,
player: {
name: nick,
team: team,
markup: [
['TEXT', { plain: msg }], // A simple message with no special markup
// Use existing IITC functions to render a chat message row
return IITC.comm.renderMsgRow(fakeData);
* Legacy function for converts a chat tab name to its corresponding COMM channel name.
* Used for backward compatibility with plugins.
* @deprecated
* @function tabToChannel
* @param {string} tab - The name of the chat tab.
* @returns {string} The corresponding channel name ('faction', 'alerts', or 'all').
chat.tabToChannel = function (tab) {
if (tab === 'faction') return 'faction';
if (tab === 'alerts') return 'alerts';
return 'all';
/* global log, PLAYER, L, IITC, app */