/* global IITC -- eslint */
* @file Provides functions related to Ingress artifacts, including setup, data request, and processing functions.
* Added as part of the ingress #13magnus in november 2013, artifacts
* are additional game elements overlayed on the intel map
* currently there are only jarvis-related entities
* - `shards`: move between portals (along links) each hour. more than one can be at a portal.
* - `targets`: specific portals - one per team.
* The artifact data includes details for the specific portals, so can be useful.
* 2014-02-06: intel site updates hint at new 'amar artifacts', likely following the same system as above
* @namespace window.artifact
window.artifact = function() {}
* Sets up artifact data fetching, layer creation, and UI elements.
* @function window.artifact.setup
window.artifact.setup = function() {
artifact.REFRESH_JITTER = 2*60; // 2 minute random period so not all users refresh at once
artifact.REFRESH_SUCCESS = 60*60; // 60 minutes on success
artifact.REFRESH_FAILURE = 2*60; // 2 minute retry on failure
artifact.idle = false;
// move the initial data request onto a very short timer. prevents thrown exceptions causing IITC boot failures
setTimeout (artifact.requestData, 1);
artifact._layer = new L.LayerGroup();
window.layerChooser.addOverlay(artifact._layer, 'Artifacts');
id: 'artifacts-toolbox-link',
label: 'Artifacts',
title: 'Show artifact portal list',
action: window.artifact.showArtifactList,
window.addHook('mapDataEntityInject', window.artifact.entityInject);
* Requests artifact data from the server. If the map is in idle mode, sets a flag instead of sending a request.
* @function window.artifact.requestData
window.artifact.requestData = function() {
if (isIdle()) {
artifact.idle = true;
} else {
window.postAjax('getArtifactPortals', {}, artifact.handleSuccess, artifact.handleError);
* Resumes artifact data requests when coming out of idle mode.
* @function window.artifact.idleResume
window.artifact.idleResume = function() {
if (artifact.idle) {
artifact.idle = false;
* Handles successful artifact data response from the server.
* @function window.artifact.handleSuccess
* @param {Object} data - Artifact data received from the server.
window.artifact.handleSuccess = function(data) {
artifact.processData (data);
// start the next refresh at a multiple of REFRESH_SUCCESS seconds, plus a random REFRESH_JITTER amount to prevent excessive server hits at one time
var now = Date.now();
var nextTime = Math.ceil(now/(artifact.REFRESH_SUCCESS*1000))*(artifact.REFRESH_SUCCESS*1000) + Math.floor(Math.random()*artifact.REFRESH_JITTER*1000);
setTimeout (artifact.requestData, nextTime - now);
* Handles failure in artifact data request. Schedules a new request after a short delay.
* @function window.artifact.handleFailure
* @param {Object} data - Response data from the failed request.
window.artifact.handleFailure = function(data) {
// no useful data on failure - do nothing
setTimeout (artifact.requestData, artifact.REFRESH_FAILURE*1000);
* Processes artifact data. Clears previous data, processes new results, runs hooks, and updates the artifact layer.
* @function window.artifact.processData
* @param {Object} data - Artifact data to process.
window.artifact.processData = function(data) {
if (data.error || !data.result) {
log.warn('Failed to find result in getArtifactPortals response');
var oldArtifacts = artifact.entities;
runHooks('artifactsUpdated', {old: oldArtifacts, 'new': artifact.entities});
// redraw the artifact layer
* Clears all stored artifact data.
* @function window.artifact.clearData
window.artifact.clearData = function() {
artifact.portalInfo = {};
artifact.artifactTypes = {};
artifact.entities = [];
* Processes the results from artifact portal data. Extracts and stores portal data for each artifact type.
* @function window.artifact.processResult
* @param {Object} portals - The artifact portal data.
window.artifact.processResult = function (portals) {
// portals is an object, keyed from the portal GUID, containing the portal entity array
for (var guid in portals) {
var ent = portals[guid];
var data = decodeArray.portal(ent, 'summary');
if (!data.artifactBrief) {
// 2/12/2017 - Shard removed from a portal leaves it in artifact results but has no artifactBrief
// we no longer know the faction for the target portals, and we don't know which fragment numbers are at the portals
// all we know, from the portal summary data, for each type of artifact, is that each artifact portal is
// - a target portal or not - no idea for which faction
// - has one (or more) fragments, or not
if (!artifact.portalInfo[guid]) artifact.portalInfo[guid] = {};
// store the decoded data - needed for lat/lng for layer markers
artifact.portalInfo[guid]._data = data;
for(var type in data.artifactBrief.target) {
if (!artifact.artifactTypes[type]) artifact.artifactTypes[type] = {};
if (!artifact.portalInfo[guid][type]) artifact.portalInfo[guid][type] = {};
artifact.portalInfo[guid][type].target = TEAM_NONE; // as we no longer know the team...
for(var type in data.artifactBrief.fragment) {
if (!artifact.artifactTypes[type]) artifact.artifactTypes[type] = {};
if (!artifact.portalInfo[guid][type]) artifact.portalInfo[guid][type] = {};
artifact.portalInfo[guid][type].fragments = true; //as we no longer have a list of the fragments there
// let's pre-generate the entities needed to render the map - array of [guid, timestamp, ent_array]
artifact.entities.push ( [guid, data.timestamp, ent] );
* Returns the types of artifacts currently known.
* @function window.artifact.getArtifactTypes
* @returns {Array} An array of artifact type strings.
window.artifact.getArtifactTypes = function() {
return Object.keys(artifact.artifactTypes);
* Determines if a given type is a knowable artifact.
* @function window.artifact.isArtifact
* @param {string} type - The type to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if the type is an artifact, false otherwise.
window.artifact.isArtifact = function(type) {
return type in artifact.artifactTypes;
* Used to render portals that would otherwise be below the visible level.
* @function window.artifact.getArtifactEntities
* @returns {Array} array of Portal entities with shards or shard targets
* unused by IITC
window.artifact.getArtifactEntities = function () {
return artifact.entities;
* Inject artifact portals into render process
* @param {hookdata} data
window.artifact.entityInject = function (data) {
data.callback(window.artifact.entities, 'summary');
* Gets the portals that are relevant to the artifacts.
* @function window.artifact.getInterestingPortals
* @returns {Array} An array of portal GUIDs.
window.artifact.getInterestingPortals = function() {
return Object.keys(artifact.portalInfo);
* Quickly checks if a portal is relevant to any type of artifacts.
* @function window.artifact.isInterestingPortal
* @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if the portal is involved in artifacts, false otherwise.
window.artifact.isInterestingPortal = function(guid) {
return guid in artifact.portalInfo;
* Retrieves the artifact data for a specified artifact id (e.g. 'jarvis'), if available.
* @function window.artifact.getPortalData
* @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
* @param {string} artifactId - The ID of the artifact type.
* @returns {Object|false} Artifact data for the specified portal and type, or undefined if not available.
* unused by IITC
window.artifact.getPortalData = function (guid, artifactId) {
return artifact.portalInfo[guid] && artifact.portalInfo[guid][artifactId];
* Updates the artifact layer on the map based on the current artifact data.
* @function window.artifact.updateLayer
window.artifact.updateLayer = function() {
$.each(artifact.portalInfo, function(guid,data) {
var latlng = L.latLng ([data._data.latE6/1E6, data._data.lngE6/1E6]);
$.each(data, function(type,detail) {
// we'll construct the URL form the type - stock seems to do that now
var iconUrl;
if (data[type].target !== undefined) {
// target portal
var iconUrl = '//commondatastorage.googleapis.com/ingress.com/img/map_icons/marker_images/'+type+'_shard_target.png'
var iconSize = 100/2;
var opacity = 1.0;
var icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: iconUrl,
iconSize: [iconSize,iconSize],
iconAnchor: [iconSize/2,iconSize/2]
var marker = L.marker (latlng, {icon: icon, interactive: false, keyboard: false, opacity: opacity });
} else if (data[type].fragments) {
// fragment(s) at portal
var iconUrl = '//commondatastorage.googleapis.com/ingress.com/img/map_icons/marker_images/'+type+'_shard.png'
var iconSize = 60/2;
var opacity = 0.6;
var icon = L.icon({
iconUrl: iconUrl,
iconSize: [iconSize,iconSize],
iconAnchor: [iconSize/2,iconSize/2],
var marker = L.marker (latlng, {icon: icon, interactive: false, keyboard: false, opacity: opacity });
}); //end $.each(data, function(type,detail)
}); //end $.each(artifact.portalInfo, function(guid,data)
* Displays a dialog listing all portals involved with artifacts, organized by artifact types.
* @function window.artifact.showArtifactList
window.artifact.showArtifactList = function() {
var html = '';
if (Object.keys(artifact.artifactTypes).length == 0) {
html += '<i>No artifacts at this time</i>';
var first = true;
$.each(artifact.artifactTypes, function(type,type2) {
// no nice way to convert the Niantic internal name into the correct display name
// (we do get the description string once a portal with that shard type is selected - could cache that somewhere?)
var name = type.capitalize() + ' shards';
if (!first) html += '<hr>';
first = false;
html += '<div><b>'+name+'</b></div>';
html += '<table class="artifact artifact-'+type+'">';
html += '<tr><th>Portal</th><th>Details</th></tr>';
var tableRows = [];
$.each(artifact.portalInfo, function(guid, data) {
if (type in data) {
// this portal has data for this artifact type - add it to the table
var onclick = 'zoomToAndShowPortal(\''+guid+'\',['+data._data.latE6/1E6+','+data._data.lngE6/1E6+'])';
var row = '<tr><td class="portal"><a onclick="'+onclick+'">'+escapeHtmlSpecialChars(data._data.title)+'</a></td>';
row += '<td class="info">';
if (data[type].target !== undefined) {
if (data[type].target == TEAM_NONE) {
row += '<span class="target">Target Portal</span> ';
} else {
row += '<span class="target '+TEAM_TO_CSS[data[type].target]+'">'+(data[type].target==TEAM_RES?'Resistance':'Enlightened')+' target</span> ';
if (data[type].fragments) {
if (data[type].target !== undefined) {
row += '<br>';
var fragmentName = 'shard';
// row += '<span class="fragments'+(data[type].target?' '+TEAM_TO_CSS[data[type].target]:'')+'">'+fragmentName+': #'+data[type].fragments.join(', #')+'</span> ';
row += '<span class="fragments'+(data[type].target?' '+TEAM_TO_CSS[data[type].target]:'')+'">'+fragmentName+': yes</span> ';
row += '</td></tr>';
// sort by target portals first, then by portal GUID
var sortVal = (data[type].target !== undefined ? 'A' : 'Z') + guid;
tableRows.push ( [sortVal, row] );
// check for no rows, and add a note to the table instead
if (tableRows.length == 0) {
html += '<tr><td colspan="2"><i>No portals at this time</i></td></tr>';
// sort the rows
tableRows.sort(function(a,b) {
if (a[0] == b[0]) return 0;
else if (a[0] < b[0]) return -1;
else return 1;
// and add them to the table
html += tableRows.map(function(a){return a[1];}).join('');
html += '</table>';
// In Summer 2015, Niantic changed the data format for artifact portals. We no longer know:
// - Which team each target portal is for - only that it is a target
// - Which shards are at each portal, just that it has one or more shards
// You can select a portal and the detailed data contains the list of shard numbers, but there's still no
// more information on targets
title: 'Artifacts',
id: 'iitc-artifacts',
html: html,
width: 400,
position: {my: 'right center', at: 'center-60 center', of: window, collision: 'fit'}