/* global L -- eslint */
* @file This file contains functions that are not use by IITC itself
* and won't most likely not receive any updated
* @module _deprecated
* Calculates the potential AP gain for capturing or destroying a portal, based on the number of resonators,
* links, and fields. It does not account for AP gained from resonator upgrades or mod deployment.
* @deprecated
* @function portalApGainMaths
* @param {number} resCount - The number of resonators on the portal.
* @param {number} linkCount - The number of links connected to the portal.
* @param {number} fieldCount - The number of fields using the portal as a vertex.
* @returns {Object} An object containing detailed AP gain values for various actions such as deploying resonators,
* destroying resonators, creating fields, destroying links, capturing the portal, and total
* AP for destroying and capturing.
window.portalApGainMaths = function (resCount, linkCount, fieldCount) {
var deployAp = (8 - resCount) * window.DEPLOY_RESONATOR;
if (resCount === 0) deployAp += window.CAPTURE_PORTAL;
if (resCount !== 8) deployAp += window.COMPLETION_BONUS;
// there could also be AP for upgrading existing resonators, and for deploying mods - but we don't have data for that
var friendlyAp = deployAp;
var destroyResoAp = resCount * window.DESTROY_RESONATOR;
var destroyLinkAp = linkCount * window.DESTROY_LINK;
var destroyFieldAp = fieldCount * window.DESTROY_FIELD;
var captureAp = window.CAPTURE_PORTAL + 8 * window.DEPLOY_RESONATOR + window.COMPLETION_BONUS;
var destroyAp = destroyResoAp + destroyLinkAp + destroyFieldAp;
var enemyAp = destroyAp + captureAp;
return {
friendlyAp: friendlyAp,
enemyAp: enemyAp,
destroyAp: destroyAp,
destroyResoAp: destroyResoAp,
captureAp: captureAp,
* Estimates the AP gain from a portal, based only on summary data from portals, links, and fields.
* Not entirely accurate - but available for all portals on the screen
* @deprecated
* @function getPortalApGain
* @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
* @returns {Object|undefined} An object containing various AP gain values, or undefined if the portal is not found.
window.getPortalApGain = function (guid) {
var p = window.portals[guid];
if (p) {
var data = p.options.data;
var linkCount = window.getPortalLinksCount(guid);
var fieldCount = window.getPortalFieldsCount(guid);
var result = window.portalApGainMaths(data.resCount, linkCount, fieldCount);
return result;
return undefined;
* Calculates the potential level a player can upgrade a portal to.
* @deprecated
* @function potentialPortalLevel
* @param {Object} d - The portal detail object containing resonator and ownership information.
* @returns {number} The potential level to which the player can upgrade the portal.
window.potentialPortalLevel = function (d) {
var current_level = window.getPortalLevel(d);
var potential_level = current_level;
if (window.PLAYER.team === d.team) {
var resonators_on_portal = d.resonators;
var resonator_levels = new Array();
// figure out how many of each of these resonators can be placed by the player
var player_resontators = new Array();
for (var i = 1; i <= window.MAX_PORTAL_LEVEL; i++) {
player_resontators[i] = i > window.PLAYER.level ? 0 : window.MAX_RESO_PER_PLAYER[i];
$.each(resonators_on_portal, function (ind, reso) {
if (reso !== null && reso.owner === window.PLAYER.nickname) {
resonator_levels.push(reso === null ? 0 : reso.level);
resonator_levels.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
// Max out portal
var install_index = 0;
for (var j = window.MAX_PORTAL_LEVEL; j >= 1; j--) {
for (var install = player_resontators[j]; install > 0; install--) {
if (resonator_levels[install_index] < j) {
resonator_levels[install_index] = j;
potential_level =
resonator_levels.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}) / 8;
return potential_level;
* Finds the latitude and longitude for a portal using all available data sources.
* This includes the list of portals, cached portal details, and information from links and fields.
* @deprecated
* @function findPortalLatLng
* @param {string} guid - The GUID of the portal.
* @returns {L.LatLng|undefined} The LatLng location of the portal, or undefined if not found.
window.findPortalLatLng = function (guid) {
if (window.portals[guid]) {
return window.portals[guid].getLatLng();
// not found in portals - try the cached (and possibly stale) details - good enough for location
var details = window.portalDetail.get(guid);
if (details) {
return L.latLng(details.latE6 / 1e6, details.lngE6 / 1e6);
// now try searching through fields
for (var fguid in window.fields) {
var f = window.fields[fguid].options.data;
for (var i in f.points) {
if (f.points[i].guid === guid) {
return L.latLng(f.points[i].latE6 / 1e6, f.points[i].lngE6 / 1e6);
// and finally search through links
for (var lguid in window.links) {
var l = window.links[lguid].options.data;
if (l.oGuid === guid) {
return L.latLng(l.oLatE6 / 1e6, l.oLngE6 / 1e6);
if (l.dGuid === guid) {
return L.latLng(l.dLatE6 / 1e6, l.dLngE6 / 1e6);
// no luck finding portal lat/lng
return undefined;